Fashion-Physical and Social Comfort

Aug 16, 2013

'Fashion is all about getting physical and social comfort.' I kept my Facebook status this sometimes back. Although I did not receive any comments, but the number of likes was awesome. You may be the one to call yourself fashionable simply because you wear branded stuffs, but sorry to explain that I am writing something against it.

Physical and Social comfort are the keywords that highlighted on the very first statement. Fashion really requires physical comfort. You wear huge jackets on hot summer, to look call, and then you are a fool. Or it does not suit for you to wear tees on winter. I don’t know how comfortable is it to wear tight skirts, tight jeans that a girl probably needs to roll down while changing, but that is no way a fashion if you are not comfortable. Again you need to consider social factor as well. You are a fool, not fashionable if you go any formal place or even your class in half pant.
You will not be feeling easy if you are on suits and with full perfumes and you are attending some one's death ceremony. You are fashionable if you walk on party with proper suit, but a fool if you go to village with the same. You are fashionable if you walk with your friends with tight skirt, but a fool if you go with the same in some rural part. I don’t mean you need to wear Sari throwing your skirts when you are at your village but there is nothing wrong with Kurta. I call those teachers fool who come to teach with jeans and tees.
So, fashion is all about getting social and physical comfort. Socially you must be comfortably accepted, so that no one stares at your surrounding just because of your dress, and physically you must be comfortable so that you can feel it easy. I know wearing the taste of dress as per your tongue is your right, but that makes no sense if you are criticized from over all area around you and you are not feeling it easy either. So wearing the type of dress as per the time, trend that will make your body and mind relax is fashion. Remember those hunting age, covering body with leaves that was a fashion. They were socially comfortable as all used to wear same type of dress and physically comfortable. Later the time changed and today we all cal fashion without giving damn if we are socially comfortable and physically comfortable or not. I am not a fashion student, but can say, it does not make sense if I go to my friend's room with half pant and slipper on confusing hot and summer days.

Published in The Rising Nepal of July 26, 2013 under Friday Supplement


Deepak Dhungel said...

Truly reflected the feelings and expectations of many people and it is nice that you have shown courage to share.

Dwaipayan said...

Thank you :)