
Mar 12, 2014

I was free,
like an eagle flying.

You restricted me,
from my entire trying.

Because you captivated physical me
What I wanted, I could never be.

Standing on my own leg,
was my entire aim.
You controlled me,
and here I am still the same.

Because you captivated mental me,
What I wanted, I could never be.

Tired of paying a rent,
I wanted to build a house.
You mastered me,
so I have been living like a mouse.

Because you captivated economical me,
What I wanted, I could never be.

Food, work, property
should have been my right.
You reigned me,
and for single penny, I have to fight.

Because you captivated political me,
What I wanted, I could never be.

You are ruler,
all I want you is to be fair!
You rather let me free,
or be responsible for my single hair!

Because you have all me,
Please, let me breathe and let me see.

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