Prospects of BTL Advertising in this age

Feb 27, 2015

Above The Line (ATL) and Below The Line (BTL) are two separate approaches of advertising. ATL uses the media for the communication purpose. ATL concentrates on mass advertising.  BTL uses localized techniques for advertising. Limited group is focused upon in BTL advertising
. In simple sense, we can regard the traditional marketing style, where advertisements are done to entire people, where consumers don’t feel that advertisement is for them personally; we can regard it ATL. Television Commercials, Newspapers Ads, Radio Jingles, Hoarding Boards can be kept under ATL. Below The Line, on the other hand is localized and focuses on individuals. It is more personal type of communication, and personal touch can be observed thereby. Pamphlets, Sponsorships, Personal selling can be taken into consideration of BTL Advertising.
Today, customer wants individual care and respect. After all, every individual is different, and after the basic needs are fulfilled, they want identity. So, for a good earning job holder; 20% Extra Glucose does not attract him more than the greeting of shopkeeper asking him to visit again. Below the line advertising typically focuses on direct means of communication, most commonly direct mail and e-mail, often using highly targeted lists of names to maximize response rates. Personal touch counts more in today’s world. Same Glucose, if served a glass at the shop while purchasing Glucose. It probably costs less than extra 20%, but the personal touch makes the consumers special. ATL focuses on promotion of the product to the mass; while BTL can go through sponsorship of any event in the community. 
The main purpose of any advertisement is: informing, reminding, persuading and reinforcing and brand building. Informing and reminding objective can be fulfilled through ATL form for sure. BTL is the one that reaches near consumer and plays the role of other objectives like persuading and reinforcing. You may know that certain product exists in the market through TV commercial, but you will put your hand forward to make a purchase only when you see the advertisement or the product in the shop where you go to make a purchase. Back then, I used to see various Noodles advertisements on Television, but I would ask for the product only when I saw them available on the store. Availability of product on the store would be known when the posters or banners would be hung on the store itself. Promotional schemes would be next factor attracting me. You would get a long pencil on the collection of ten coupons. Hence, I would make purchase of noodles for that.  
As a consumer, which Advertisement would create impact upon you? A soft drinks commercial on Television with celebrities? Or the same soft drink company offering a glass of cold drink at Bagmati Cleaning campaign for every volunteer? You would be pleased and satisfied at the time of cleaning campaign rather than seeing celebrity in the advertisement. Brand can be created only when individual satisfaction turns multiple. ATL can never create satisfaction, it is through BTL, and satisfaction can be achieved. Celebrity endorsement do have separate scope in brand building though.

Maybe it is because of this understanding, political parties never focus on ATL for any election task, rather they spend huge amount of BTL form. They probably are at least aware from the experience that only BTL can play effective role for persuading and reinforcing. Things are changing, and BTL has been coming into practice as well. 
BTL helps in building customer relationship as it increases the local touch with the customers. Investment in BTL advertisement is comparatively low in comparison to ATL. Hence, it is cheaper form. BTL advertisement can be targeted to certain market group as well, as there is no any necessity to spend for the unnecessary ones. As, there remains personal touch, it is more effective form of advertisement. Every community is different, so BTL advertisement can be designed in such a way, that each community can enjoy their local taste in advertisement. This probably is the reason why local languages have been brought into practice. Feeling of belongings can be brought into practice. The effectiveness of the advertisement can easily be monitored as well, if found to be ineffective, it can be changed at any time with no huge expenditure thereby.
At the time, when country it is planning to get decentralized, and drop down into local. It is high time; advertisements need to be localized as well. In increasing complex mode of promotional options ranging from click to scrolling down; any marketers should not ignore the basic concepts of perception, interaction and measurability offered by BTL. At the time when ATL focuses on branding and identity, BTL is important for customer acquisition, retention and loyalty.  Branded products should rather concentrate towards BTL than investing more on ATL. The advertisement focused for me makes me interested rather than the advertisement focused for over all group.

Published in New Business Age of January 2015 issue.

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