Attending Interview (Media House)

Feb 10, 2016

I have attended few interviews, throughout my life time, where I have been basically rejected, than accepted. I have the experience of being accepted as well, but again, there are lists of rejections that stays higher.

After passing my Bachelors, I had nothing to do. I sometimes felt like flying abroad, sometimes felt like doing MBA from KU or TU, sometimes thought came for evening MBA too. I could not plan for MA and job, because TU had some sad stories, I was not allowed to join Masters same year, being part of four year BBA degree. So, under set of confusions, I did apply for job at few places. I must admit.

Interview 1 (Media House)

This one is really interesting one. I keep on sharing with my friends and making them laugh. I was called a day before and notified that I had an interview. I must have been focused so much on something, that I forgot the call till I received phone call from same place next day.

'Dwaipayan ji, we had notified you about your interview time at 3.45, however you are not yet here. Shall I fix your time one hour later and make it at 4.45?’

I was checking time, it was 3.50. I said ‘Okay’ without giving a thought, because the place where I was when I received the phone call, I was not too far from that place. I took a glass of sugarcane juice, and then I realized that I was on half pant and tees. I could have changed my dress returning back to room, but that would consume a large time. Fine, I went in half pant itself.

Everyone were so formal, and I could see myself in that worst scenario. My turn came, I tried to stay at that best position where they would not know that I was in shorts.

Panelist 1:           Can I have your CV?
Oops! I had not brought any CV of mine, I was at road itself, and I was no way planning to attend interview.
Me:                       I have not brought that, I was not notified.

Panelist 2:            But, don’t you know that CV is gun for any interviewee?
Me:                     That’s true, but I think when we are near, knife works better than gun. So, you may  ask anything that you want me to ask directly using knife, instead of gun.

Panelist 1:           Okay so introduce yourself
Me:                        I am Dwaipayan Regmi, I am a BBA Graduate. I have done my specializations in Marketing, and I am a freelance writer. I have been writing for various magazines and newspapers. Apart, I am also volunteer in various social organizations……

Panelist 2:           Okay, so you love marketing as well as writing? Now, what have you applied for? Editing or Marketing?

I had no idea, what I had applied for, all I was looking was for job anyway. I used to randomly click where ever job would suit for me through merojob. Oh! I don’t even know what I had applied for.
Me:        I may have interest in lot of field, but not always my interest comes first. I have applied for the job that you have opened for.

That was some random arrow at the dark.
Panelist 2:           You told that you had worked in Advertising Agency as an intern, if you are selected, you will have to work in our advertising section too, and meet up clients as well, after all this is Marketing Job.

Ahh! Thank God! I now knew I had applied for Marketing Position there.

Me:                        That is okay

Panelist 1:           What work did you do there anyway?

Me:                        I used to look after a client’s competitors move, regarding what they are doing. Also, I used to research about effectiveness of their advertisements that were broadcasted.

The interview continued for fifteen minutes. I tried my best not to show that I was in half pant, but they must have seen it when I was logging off from the room. I knew I would not be selected there for sure, because they wanted someone with Bike. I had my two wheelers license, but I didn’t feel like sharing it anyway. And, yes, I was not selected either.
I decided to keep the name of media house secret. 

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