Times - They are Changing

May 26, 2016

Few days back, I saw Asish dai posting his facebook status stating how he and Prabhat dai are finding female more active and smarter these days compared to male. I gradually analyzed, and then concluded that to large extent they are right. Yes, things are changing. We can see huge up liftment of women these days.

I remembered my school classmate, who always used to top leaving boys behind. I can see their effort even today. Girls are so keen in decorating notes, while boys just wait for exams and Xerox those notes. I can see their activeness in any completing the assignments in time and event participation. 

Today, anywhere I have been- be that in areas of social work, or some management related works. Females are presenting themselves as challenging. They are proving at spaces that they are equally capable as male living in the society.

Somewhere, I remember a quote that was hanging while I was in Grade Six. Six? Yes, it has to be Grade Six! - Educate a man, and you educate him. Educate woman, and you educate the whole family.

Despite the efforts presented by Millennium Development Goals, Sustainable Development goals, the literacy rate still of male seems higher. But, I can sense this.. things are changing! We are gradually moving towards the world of equality. Yes! both has to be two wheels of a bike for smooth travel. Tractor's wheel and Cycle wheel won't make a balance. But, things are changing for good.

And like Bob Dylan sings : 
"Come mothers and fathers
Throughout the land
And don't criticize
What you can't understand
Your sons and your daughters
Are beyond your command
Your old road is
Rapidly agin'
Please get out of the new one
If you can't lend your hand
For the times they are a-changin'."

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