Hospital's Hospitality

Jul 19, 2012
Hospital's Hospitality

The attraction of a career in medicine can be seen in the excitement of parents who want their sons or daughters to study to be a doctor or nurse after they pass plus two. I have no complaints with that, but I seriously think that they need to have an extra subject of human relations in their biology course. I feel that way because this service sector has been failing to fulfil its human responsibility.
When your wife is having a baby and you admit her to a hospital, they carry out the delivery process in a smooth manner. But they do not act as good human beings. First, the hospitals, no matter how big they are, lack facilities for the relatives and friends who come with the patient. They do not have a space to lie down and close their eyes. Furthermore, the way the nurses act creates nothing but frustration. They speak in such a rude voice as if we need to pay for their every word. Are nurses taught to have attitude? I sometimes wonder.
Again, instead of providing service, hospitals are more interested in getting your money. When a family member of yours needs to have an operation, they first ask you to deposit money. This shows how money becomes more important than a patient’s life. In foreign countries, you don’t have to take a leave of absence from your office to stay at the hospital with the patient. They will send the patient back home after a full recovery. And they will send the bill after a month with the due date two months later.
Isn’t this kind of service possible in Nepal? I don’t simply blame the hospitals and their staff. The government, too, has failed to do anything to ensure that Nepalis get better service. If your wife is pregnant, how many weeks off should she take from her job? How many weeks off should you take? The answer varies, and this lack of a fixed policy is a government weakness.
Nobody likes going to a hospital. And when one enters the unfamiliar environment of a hospital, the irritation shown by the hospital staff, instead of good hospitality, makes both the patient and the accompanying family members feel worse. Why don’t they charge extra and provide some friendly hospitality? What is there to be irritated about when a husband asks a nurse why his child has been taken away from the mother soon after birth? The nurse can say politely that the newborn baby has to be given a check-up instead of snapping, “Ask the doctor.”

Published in The Kathmandu Post under Post Platform dated 18 July 2012

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Investment Year: Wrong Time and Wrong Image

Jul 19, 2012
Investment Year: Wrong Time and Wrong Image

Investment is the task of lending or depositing money with the hope of future gain. Although there exists a risk in Investment, any investment made with wise decision undertaking wise research is less likely to betray, and this is why Investment’s charm has never gone down in any era of economic world.

Declaration of Investment Year 2012-2013 was a laudable step taken by the Government anyways. After all, Nepal seriously requires a huge investment to catch up the speed of development.  Though Nepal has got huge resources, lack of proper utilization has been keeping the country far from where it was actually meant to be. So, Nepal requires investors for climbing higher on the ladder of process for sure. Until and unless a strong and dedicated investors come to Nepal promising proper utilization of natural resources here, neither are these resources going to be ever utilized, nor will the country ever move forward.

Yes, Nepal had to be better developed than Bhutan at this time. But, let us note the fact that Nepal has its Per Capita Income of 653 US$, and that of Bhutan of 2121 US$ as stated by International Monetary Fund of the report 2010-2011.  Let us not forget the entire investments British made during their rule in India, that helped them attain high growth rate. This sheds light on how the neighboring country has been progressing at such a fast pace and shows where we actually are. Let us not forget the another fact that Nepal has been called as the second richest country when it comes to Water resources, which makes it clear that Bhutan certainly has less quantity of water resources than Nepal. But, welcoming foreign investment, making proper utilization of same water resources, the country has not only removed the word ‘load shedding’ but has been producing enough water resources to supply to the nearby countries as well. Although Nepal had to be popular when it comes to Mountains or Buddhism, but the way Bhutan has been expressing it to the third world, they are really building the good image than Nepal, and has been maintaining it properly. It is understandable that Nepal has been under political insurgencies, but how long are we going to respect this excuse?

The Investment Year clearly symbolizes that the investments will be safe and secure.  Investor means both foreign as well as domestic of course. Now, the bitter reality again is, when the domestic investors themselves hesitate to make an investment, “How can the country welcome Foreign Investors?” is an important question. If I have huge sum of money, I would certainly not go and invest in Pakistan at this time, because of the future insecurity. No matter even if Pakistan calls for some grand Investment Year.
Now, there is not much difference between Pakistan and Nepal. Investing in Pakistan is risky because of US factor and investing in Nepal is risky because of Internal conflict within Nepal. A wise Investor would rather move towards Bangladesh or Bhutan with his fund. There won’t be much difference for them at all. So, who should be seeking for Investors? Should we stay idle claiming we have enough resources or should we welcome these investors?

There were continuous strikes a month ago. An Indian truck was destroyed at the time of importing goods. The entire industries were shut down in Terai for such a long time, and above all, the load shedding problem. So, why would an Indian investor want to invest in Nepal? Business does not depend on friendship; all it focuses on is lawful profit. If I was to spend, I would certainly not invest in any country like that, where my investment itself is in such a huge risk.

So, who should be responsible for welcoming Investments? Obviously, the Government who declared Investment Year without any  question must be responsible for it. How many Investments has the country welcomed so far? As far as I have found out, Nepal has not been able to answer even those who are excited in investing here. Business has to be quick, but the delay in answering itself is negative symptom.
No, don’t be wrong, I am not against declaration of ‘Investment year’, the idea is really great. But, I am criticizing the timing that they made the announcement. When each and every individual living in Nepal is aware about the fact that there has been a Political disturbance which is likely to continue in near future as well, how wise was it to make such important announcement? Even if every thing is likely to go fine, the year 2012 seems completely instable for Nepal from any Political vision. Hence, hesitations for investment are not a big thing anyway.

Only after political stability had been maintained in the country, their declarations would turn out to be fruitful one. I say, it was a hurried decision, a decision made without any serious research. No, declaration of Investment Year is not a wrong concept, but when it comes to such decision making thing, there certainly has to be a definite planning and organizing. Next Government has entire right to declare the year 2013 as ‘Sports Year’, yes that is kind of necessary for the country for sure, after all only such decision can uplift the country’s sports. But, how wise would it be to declare next year ‘Sports Year’? A careful analysis is must of course.

Things happen for some good cause. I have believed this statement for long time, at least it helps to build the positive attitude among the individuals. Now, when the Government has already declared the year as Investment Year, there is nothing we can do to postpone it. But there has to be some one to play smart roles for welcoming the investments from domestic as well as international investors. There has to be guarantee of their investment, and treaties like BIPPA should be entertained to assure them. But, let that treaty not be worthless like the BIPPA with India. First, the Government has to ensure the smooth operation of existing industries and organizations of the country. And only when the feeling appears that Nepal is safe place for Investment, foreign investors would peep into here. Seti Project has been troubled by the peoples there itself, now how can any foreign investors make up their mind in such situations?

2012-2013 both has been called as the Investment Year. One forth of this Investment clearly seems to be wasted, Let the other quarters be fruitful!

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