Controlling Piracy

Dec 12, 2011
Controlling Piracy
Controlling piracy in this age is the greatest challenge to Movie as well as Music Industry. There can be upcoming challenge to e-books industry, but at present only Movie Industry and Music industry has been facing the problem of Piracy! 'Bato Muni Ko Phool' was finally available on cell phone, and frankly I got it transferring from my friend's cell phone via Bluetooth. So do I collect my favorite songs.

Regarding Western Music, I collect them by downloading from various free music providing websites. It does not suit for any Nepalese artists to give the suggestions like purchase the original CD's or Cassettes and Stop Piracy when it is not just sure that they make the use of original CD's when it comes in case of International Music. How many of us do believe that Anil Singh purchases original CD's of Enrique or Taylor Swift? When there is no such guarantee that these peoples make use of original CD's how can they create the trust among their fans?I don?t think it suits for those smokers to suggest not smoking to the new smokers. With the moving era the challenge for Piracy is getting more and more complex every day after the day.

Decade back if I used to listen the songs of my choice by giving an order to record paying five rupees per song and cassette costing thirty. So I could have ten songs in fifty plus a cassette costing thirty, so total eighty. Five years back, I used to make purchase of pirated CD's at fifty where I could get at least ten albums of latest Nepalese release. Today, I transfer via Bluetooth if some of my friends have got it. I am very frank to this issue, and I am sorry if I hurt those working with the slogan 'Stop Piracy Save Music'. But I question them, why should we buy the expensive songs when we are getting at such cheap? When the quality does not differ, nor does any part why should I pay the full amount as per your demand? I have no connection with Sujil Karmacharya, nor am I responsible for his living, all I want is music in my ear when so ever I want it. If their slogan is on, they also meant to say that I should care for the life of Fort Miner by purchasing his original CD's. I know there has not been special support from Government for these music artists, and they need to live their earning as well. Overall, they need to live a costly life as well. It definitely does not suit Sabin Rai driving in a micro, and a taxi does not provide him a free
drive either. So, one can definitely not deny the fact that they have to live costly celebrity life. Now, that does not matter to audience either. When; it comes to money, all of us are greedy, if the celebrities have to maintain their life, so has to live the life for audiences as well. Artists need to pay for their albums, for music videos, and need to expect a low return from their CD's selling. I know the concerts are the best source of income, and the recent CRBT and PRBT are equally making a place in their space to support them at least to some extent. Artists must accept the fact that it is through piracy they are getting famous. Indian movies would never be famous if it was so strict. You get to watch Indian movies just lending your pen drive to your friend for a day, but if you had to pay even fifty rupees per movie, how many movies would you really watch? So piracy and popularity has got the inverse relation to each other. I don't mean to say that make piracy legal, but there can be other hundred options to make audiences buy your original product and help you financially. If Richa Ghimire had made her movie's available at the
cheapest rate of Rs 25, I know many would watch it. If Nepathaya brings the idea of 'Transfer via Bluetooth per song Rs 2, enter your name, and you could win a chance to be on stage on our next concert', that would work out. But the availability has to be made in more accessible parts. Again, there can be scheme that could be launched by Acharya brothers, that could be 'with every purchase of our CD's there you will get space to write a poem, write it and send it, with mixture of hundred such poems, we will be singing a song, and thanking in you in our next cover issue. Again they can go through various facebook competitions that would be only for those who purchased original CD's.

'Buy original CD of Albatross, and get a chance to learn guitar from the guitarist of the band', 'Buy  original CD of Sugam Pokharel, and get a chance to me model in his upcoming video', 'Collect three CD's of Shiva Pariyar and he will welcome you to his home for a dinner!' These schemes can certainly make a contribution to stop piracy. There are other ways for every solutions, let us not show the political
attitude of making slogans that would not be of any use, and useless. Seek for other alternatives to live your living, because everyone's life is life, not just your life is a life, and audience's life is garbage!

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The morning battle

Dec 4, 2011
Children often make a fuss before school in the morning, some even going so far as to feign illness to get out of class. But parents need to consider the problem seriously—perhaps the child has made some sort of mistake that he doesn’t want to face up to, or perhaps someone is bullying him. Or maybe there is a larger, more complex issue at hand. Whatever the case, much can be achieved by a little bit of probing and a lot of understanding on the part of mum and dad. Although you might think it a phenomenon unique to your home, school phobia is extremely common among children.

There are a lot of pressures burdening kids today, even when they might seem carefree and cheerful on the outside. While there are of course the usual qualms of not being able to catch up in their classes, and disliking certain teachers, it is fitting in with their peers that forms a particularly significant part of their growing experience, and problems in this area—suppose they find they have nothing in common with their classmates and haven’t been able to make friends—can translate to a heavy aversion towards school. You therefore need to watch keenly for signs of such anti-social behaviour, in the house and outside. Of course, even when you do identify the issue, there

is only so far you can go to help them, either by talking to the teachers or other parents, but it is still something.

Broadly speaking, the general environment of the school, the child’s dynamics with his classmates and the stress of studies are the basic reasons why school can seem like a nightmare for many. And while you might feel helpless when a child expresses disinterest in getting on a bus and going to class, perhaps parents and teachers could try a few things first.

Schools need to support programs that nurture self-confidence in students by pointing out and encouraging their strengths while providing opportunities for them to excel at what they have an aptitude for. While assignments need to be of a certain standard, perhaps there should be a means of judging each student’s academic skills and customising the workload around that. As for what can be done at home, parents should refrain from making too many exciting plans at home during days when school is in session, and instead encourage

their children to socialise to the best of their abilities with people outside of their home, so they take those social skills with them to school. Parents must also maintain a friendly rapport with teachers and other parents to create a supportive network of sorts.

What we must remember is that our kids are fragile, impressionable beings and underneath those chirpy exteriors, they are susceptible to a lot of psychological forces that pull them in various directions, but they might not always know how to ask for help. So consider school phobia a warning sign and the next time your child whines about class, instead of yelling at him, try to first get him to talk to you about what exactly he dislikes so much about school. Perhaps a door will open somewhere.

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Tap on opportunities

Dec 2, 2011
Reality shows are getting popular in South Asia. They give an opportunity to the normal people to enhance their talents, and present them in front of the world. So, anyone can go and show their
capability through such shows. Nepal is not lagging behind in conducting such shows either; they get huge sponsors, registration fees and media's support as well. There is good scope for this in Nepal as well.
Doesn't matter if it has been influenced by India or from America directly, the thing that counts is quality. We recognize only a few icons that came out of such reality shows. Dipak Limbu, the first
Nepali Tara is all I know, and I don't know who was the second, and even if it was conducted or not. So, where is the quality? Despite the fact they get good media support, good payment from the sponsors, I
really am unaware why the question of quality comes up as an issue. There exists a fault within the citizens as well, who can be properly criticized by the line: Nepalese audience spend their pocket money for making Prasant Tamang the Indian Idol, and were reluctant to provide donations for Kumar Kancha's treatment. Why do not Nepalese reality show organisers try to woo Nepalese audience?
Recently, I was shocked to see reality shows relating to singing superstar, acting superstar, etc. from various channels. The first thing that the organizers need to look after is good judges. Just because a person sang a song, he/she can in no way judge how well others sing. For that proper knowledge of music is required, and he/she really requires qualification. Second, the judge has to make a good prediction of the dedication that the winner will apply later on. Now why is this? Because, they have to set an example here. If the winner of an acting competition works part time or it is a hobby, and
is engaged in some other things then there can be no further expectation. He/she will utilize his prize money and gift hampers and disappear from that field.
I highly appreciate Band Challenge's judge, who made Anuprasta the winner, since they are still in the Nepali music industry. Nepali reality shows can provide huge opportunities to a person, but it can go to waste if it is not a seriously made decision. The judges must identify the person who actually is fit for an opportunity and is capable.
Years back, an FM station had conducted a RJ Hunt show, and brought two new RJ's to their station, but after an year they were not working there. Now, what was the use of that? If they were able to bring someone who was really required, and were dedicated, that would be beneficial for all concerned.
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Expectations twist

Nov 17, 2011
High achievement always takes place in the framework of high expectations. One targets certain goals, and walks to meet the expectations. It sounds smart when you design the expectation of yours, and move accordingly, but in the real practical world, expectation is the main reason behind the dissatisfaction.

As said, the ‘best things in life are unexpected because there were no expectations’. You expect certain things to take place or happen, and if does not, it hurts and you grow dejected. Let me clarify, aim and expectation are two different aspects. Designing something for the future zeroes in on aim, and hoping something to happen is expectation. You are free to develop an aim, because it motivates you to work hard at present. But, when you expect something, it is different. The aim to be doctor, and the expectation of being a doctor are two different entities in two different directions.

Why to expect anything to happen when you are not sure of it? Expecting to receive a laptop from your uncle and when you receivec cell phone, it definitely hurts. Only if you had no expectation, the cell phone would have made you happy. When things happen not as per your expectation, it becomes a miracle. For those who don’t expect, miracles take place every now and then, and for those who expect thousands of miracles don’t count. You don’t expect the price of cell phones to go down, and when it goes down, you can call it a miracle for sure.There is no hard and fast rule that you must expect something in reality. Simply clarify your vision, and move ahead; those unexpected stuffs will gift you ample happiness.

Why to expect promotion at your job place? Work hard with honesty, if the company is honest they will definitely hand you your promotion. Expecting to get distinction, and if you don’t get it, it hurts. If you have not expected it, everything could be normal.

Expecting is like hoping, so minimize the level of your hope. Death after all is the common expectation after birth, but we never work as per the expectation, therefore we are in this stage. Life would certainly not turn out to be so exciting if we keep in mind the expectation of death. It is understandable that it is a tough task to live without expecting in real life, but let’s try to commit that we will minimize the level of expectations.

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Keep your cool

Nov 17, 2011
It’s already time for chilly winter, and everybody must be well prepared to welcome the cold season. It is definitely a wonderful time as we get to stay under a blanket for a long time, get to wear a lot of clothes plus have lots of hot stuff. Nepal has a moderate sort of climate as we don’t have to freeze under temperatures below zero, nor do we get steamed by 50 degree heat.

The days get shorter and the nights get longer during the winter season, which makes our working schedule really tight. Darkness comes over you as soon as your office time is completed, and hence you have no option but to go home. The weekends during the winter has separate fun as whisky really helps you to stay pleasantly warm. I am not writing to explain the impact, advantages or disadvantages of winter; but this is a suggestion that some things have to be taken seriously during the season.

Water is a necessity for our body from every point of view. We drink water not only to fulfil our thirst but also because it’s necessary for our body. Water regulates the body temperature, promotes healthy skin, acts as a natural lubricant for the body, helps in digestion and removes wastes from the body. It is not that our body requires water only during the hot season, we require an equal amount of water during the winter as well. Our body gets dry during the winter and hence water can remove the dryness.

Nothing can replace the role of water for our body. Soft and hard drinks suck water from our body more than contributing it. Now, how wise is it for us to drink cold water during this season? It’s okay if you can control your body, but I call it wise if you drink hot water every day which will keep the germs of the common cold along with various other diseases far away. When we have such huge benefits, why don’t we drink water during this season? It would be somewhat foolish to make a resolution for the upcoming year to drink a certain amount of water daily and fail to fulfil it.

Hot water contributes to keeping our body warm as well, which is really essential during this particular season. Let’s make an attempt to keep our body fit, warm and healthy simply by drinking hot water time and again during this season. I am sure you have completed your tasks of washing old jackets, sweaters or purchasing new ones. You must probably have thought of ideas to keep your room warm during this season.

As we are poor in electricity, let’s even make a contribution to reducing load-shedding by consuming less power during this season by using electric heaters less.

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BIPPA is a boom, but can be curse

Oct 31, 2011
There are various criticisms and praises on going for the recent Bhattarai's act of Bilateral Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement (BIPPA) with India on his recent visit. At the time when the stage has brought a political controversy in Nepalese politics right after the controversy of two ministers being settled, the agreement seems the next challenge for the present Government equally. I am not associated with any party, nor am I influenced by any ideology. I am simply the student of Business. So being student, I feel the BIPPA made with India has to be welcomed by the business world. Why should we welcome this? I don't know what Congress has to say, nor do I care what UML explains, and I am no way associated with PM's party either.

Nepal is located between two world's greatest markets, and when India shares open border, culture and same class of people, Nepal definitely can make a huge gain from this Agreement. BIPPA brings the opportunity of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Nepal. Although introduced in 1992, the following Maoists insurgency made the investors depressed, and as a result Nepal could not get their cup of tea out of it. When will Nepal be able to bring such huge capitals, technology and management skills? Atleast, after welcoming them, it can get its possibility. The painful truth that the economy of Nepal is completely dependent with the remittances makes a clear indication that there are maximum peoples working abroad simply because of unemployment facilities in Nepal. Bringing new investment will welcome new business firms in the country which again will be helping the domestic unemployment problem to the country. People of Nepal will again get to use improved products at the cheap rate, manufacturer of Kurkure if enters Nepal, Nepalese will get to use of it in the cheap rate. They will not be
compelled to pay forty rupees for the product of thirty two.

Government can again earn huge amount of revenue out of these Indian firms. When India opens firms in Nepalese territory, they themselves will try to remove the hindrances that Nepalese are today facing in
the carriage. Balance of Payment (BEP) will be increasing at this very time. As a whole, Industrial Development will gain a speed in the country. This has to be clear that India would never come to this stage if British rule have had not been in India at those periods. It is through British's FDI in India; India made the development process easy and effective. Had not there been FDI from British Rule then, India would be in some what similar condition to Nepal. It is something foolish to curse our history for the bravery, but we still have the power for it. Nepal was more developed than India during the medieval period, and some what had the similar sort of condition during the period before Rana rule in Nepal and British rule in Nepal.

The fact of development possibility in India due to FDI must not be ignored. Parties agitating against the decision are not wrong either. There exists the possibility of loss of Sovereignty in Nepal, but when it is
for India, the chances are comparatively low. The another disadvantage mentioned in my book regarding this is Intense competition, Kurmure would have the worst time competing with Kurkure then, but there are simply fewer domestic products that would go such stage. High Dependency is the third point, but the agreement is for ten years. Resource outflows could act as disadvantage, as the vision for them is in the hydro power sector, Nepal must be able to make enough demand for itself of hydro power before making export in such cases.

The worst part of agreement that has brought the entire controversies is due to the agreement made 'to pay the compensation if the firms shut down due to internal cause of Nepal.' Since Nepal had been headlines as international news in the past, and there had been the image for International vision that Nepal is unsafe for investment, the agreement shows clear possibility and welcoming of investors in
Nepal. Nepal had to take certain bold step to welcome them ensuring the investors that the political disturbance would not trouble their investment, and through BIPPA, Bhattarai did it indicating that now
even more than one half of Maoists are looking for good relation and trade relation with India which was against their principle earlier.

However, exactly like Congress leader Ram Sharan Mahat said, signing the agreement is not a conclusion in it. There are other important things to be noted down. There has to be peaceful environment now, and
Industrial sector must be declared a peace zone providing enough securities to them. The various bandas, chakkajams, loadsheddings and politicial disturbance must be stopped immediately and let the industries conduct their activities in peaceful way, else the treaty would not be boom but curse.

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Taken for a ride

Oct 18, 2011

OCT 17 -
Highways are meant for smooth and safe travel over long distances. The word “highway” brings to mind a wide road ranging from four to eight lanes, open spaces with farms on either side, vehicles moving smoothly at a certain constant speed and police patrols to provide highway security. But do we have the same sort of highways in Nepal? Obviously not! We are not among the rich countries. So it is understandable that we lack massive freeways but have to do with bumpy and winding roads as we live in a hilly region. But the transportation system has made travelling on highways really uncertain.

No one knows how long it might take you to reach Pokhara from Kathmandu, a distance of 200 km. It can be five hours or 15 hours. Who is to be blamed? The bus driver? The citizens? Or the government? Every time I get on a bus, there will be some one promising not to travel with this bus company the next time by the time the trip is half over. But they forget that all the buses are the same.

First, I blame the government which lacks a clear policy and vision. Second, I blame the bus management which is ready to stop the bus every time somebody on the roadside raises a hand. And finally I blame us citizens who are comfortably numb. It is we people who don’t give a damn when the vehicle breaks down. The driver gets enough time to rest while the local people wait for traffic jams to boost their business. We don’t look for specialised tickets. We seek discounts rather than quality service.

Let a group of people go to the ticket counter and demand quality service by paying more. Will they not be compelled to provide better service? Who cares about the capacity of the road? There are vehicles that carry more than the maximum permitted load, and the people don’t care that they are ruining the roads. There have been instances if highway protests when a chicken gets run over by a bus. And when it is clear that there is a likelihood of a traffic jam at Thankot, why don’t these buses move out from Kalanki an hour earlier?

Let me not forget to mention the expensive roadside food! I always enjoy travelling from Pathlaiya to Dhalkebar where there are forests on both sides with less disturbance, and the travel time is somewhat fixed. But there are other places where the journey is delayed, sometimes because of traffic jams, sometimes because the vehicle breaks down and usually because of the hand waving system. It is high time we acted to make travelling on Nepal’s highways less torturous.

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The write way

Sep 30, 2011
Writing is not my job, it's my hobby. People ask me how I am able to write on such interesting topics and why newspapers publish my mini articles frequently. "I have tried so many times, but they never publish my articles. Why?" they ask me. They even show me their writings and ask me if they are good enough to be published. How can I answer such questions? I am not an editor. But here's the truth about how I began writing which aspiring authors might find helpful.

I began writing in Class 6. I used to look for interesting facts on the Web and write about them and mail the article to a local newspaper. Later, I started writing letters to the editor of various newspapers. Every time one of my letters got published, I became more encouraged. This went on for around three years, and I started writing longer articles. It was not that I wrote to earn
money. The truth is that I had no idea that I would get paid for my writings. I used to write simply because I loved writing. When I found out that I could get money for my writings, I began to write with extra enthusiasm. For example, if you love playing cricket, it's not necessary for you to get paid for playing; but when you get paid, that makes it even better.

For those who really want to write, here are a few suggestions that might be useful. First, you have to read more and more. The more you read other people's writings, the broader will be your knowledge of writing style and topics to write on. So pick an unique, interesting topic. The subject must attract your readers. After selecting the topic, compose the introduction and then the body where your theme must be included. Provide conclusions at the end which can be what you feel about your topic.

Now if you think that you must be good in grammar to write, think again! MS Word is the software that makes your grammar perfect. And you are not presenting information about the topic, but your views. For example, if you are writing about apples and you write that they are red in colour, have a round shape and are tasty, and end the article by mentioning that they grow in the hilly region, everyone knows that. But if you were to present your thoughts like apples would be more popular if they were a bit salty in taste and that even though Humla and Jumla produce a lot of apples, they are not being properly utilised, you may be able to hold your readers' attention. Many wannabe writers get frustrated when their first article gets rejected. I consider the article "not up to the mark" and write another. To let everyone know, only two out of 10 of my writings get published. So don't lose hope for such minor reasons. All of you have potential. So try a little harder. All the best!
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Dashain Travel

Sep 23, 2011
Dashain has been acting as the reason for meeting the peoples who were ignored for a year. Mother expects her son to come back home and hence son comes back! This festival provides the opportunity to stay together with the year round talk and dine together. No matter where you are. Dashain always encourages you to return back home and meet your family members. No matter
if you are working in Dubai or just few kilometers away from your home, the festival compels you to return to your home and meet your family members. When will you return back? Dashain probably will be the answer. So it's the time you are well prepared to go home and spend the time with your family. You must be well prepared about the time to spent there and things to be taken.

They say more than sixty percent of people of capital come from outside capital. Capital has been the source that provides job, good education and so on. Living in a centralized country, there won't be anything surprising to hear that maximum people from overall country gather at Kathmandu for their definite and specific purpose. And all of the people wants to return back home during Dashain. There are basically two ways of traveling. We don't have water ways and we lack railways. Despite the fact we possess the ropeway, I don't prefer counting it. This makes us limited up to airways and roadways'. Airways are the best source of traveling, but for the big shots. 

The ticket price easily gets raised up to seventy five percent during this season. On the normal time it takes around twenty five hundred to fly Biratnagar but with the opening ceremony of Dashain it gets high up to four thousand and you require 'source' to purchase it. Either you need to book earlier or you have to suffer as there lacks ticket for you. I am a student and I have to reach my hometown, Biratnagar. For me roadway turns out to be effective hence I prefer this easy and cheap source.

However its not that it lacks the side effects. Oh! It's irritating to travel during this time. Firstly they give damn to our identity card. You purchase it or you don't, it's none of their business. They are going to get enough passengers who will be willing to pay full amount. There lacks booking system as well as you need to purchase the ticket before hand, and they will be in benefit if you don't go that day. That's not all! They trouble the passengers during the journey by feeding as much passengers as they can. The roof will be occupied and even the open space in bus will be occupied. You must call yourself lucky if you only manage to take fresh year. Pick pocketers and thieves' trouble a lot. They show you picture of new bus while taking ticket and bring the oldest local bus claiming the damage of new bus!

When we purchase or make the payment for the service, why don't we get good services out of it? I blame concerned authorities for ignoring this part. Let the bus charge fifty rupees more but they must be able to give the best service that satisfies passenger. Only if Agni Yatayat manages to give this service, their ticket will be sold in the beginning plus they will receive goodwill as well. And despite the fact we are well aware about the on going trend, why do we hesitate to make early booking? At least at same price we will be receiving good seats as well. And when we get dissatisfied with certain bus, let's ignore the bus from next time so that they get to feel and realize their mistakes. Have a safe journey! Happy Dashain!
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Brand and quality

Aug 9, 2011
With growing modernization, the Nepalese are becoming equally brand conscious. One particular reason for being attracted towards brand probably might be the strength of these brand products. They last long
and retain the quality for a really long time. Moreover, there exists a separate prestige among today's Nepalese in the use of branded goods. No matter what and when, we are gradually turning 'brand conscious'.

Becoming brand conscious can be an issue of debate. If we are attracted towards international brands, who will purchase the domestic products? The quality of the product is also a matter of concern. It is for sure that Indonesian made All Star Converse lasts longer than any Khasa made Zing Xhung—the former costs Rs. 2500 while the latter can be had for Rs. 400. Now, based on the attitude of the people, friend circle, and the environmental factor, one has to decide whether to a branded product or not. It is odd if all your friends wear T-shirts by John Players, Peter England or Addidas, while you go with them wearing an
ordinary one. For that matter, a Nokia makes more prestige than any of the Chinese mobile set. For sure, your choice becomes Apple for Ipod.

There exists quality-oriented café KFC in the valley, so let's go there and I personally have felt that the smell of original Axe lasts longer than the fake ones. Cost acts as the major disadvantages of branded products, but quality plays an important role when the question comes to advantage. Red Label possesses its unique taste, but the local tongba gives you its own distnctive flavour. Hence, we cannot ignore local products as well. We still go for Wai Wai when Maggie is also kept in front of us.

Rado or any other brank of watch shows the same time, so it is never a compulsion that you must choose only branded stuffs. There might be some qualitative products without any brand. But, the trick is to know which one. It is good to be loyal to a specific brand, but you must have the capacity of being flexible when the time demands. I have been drinking this local coffee which never gave me the opportunity to get my mind diverted to international brands. Find out the local brands that do well, and weigh the contents of your wallet.


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Widows vista

Jul 18, 2011
It is our right to live our life as per our wish, and we live our life as per our wish. We don’t care if other people scold us when we drink alcohol, since it becomes our right. We enjoy our rights freely and openly to some extent. Social factors sometimes create obstacles at the time of utilising our right. Like society may criticise sex before marriage, but people still do it saying it is their right.

I saw a young lady who seemed as if she had just completed her teens in a white sari. Now, when we can even go against social norms in the name of our rights, what is her right? Is staying a widow throughout her life her right? I could not utter a word in front of her, and instead decided to write about it. Yes, socially she is correct! But how correct is she when we look at it from a broader perspective? How wise are her parents, parents-in-law and society for her?

Truly, we still lack social provisions for widow marriage. When a wife dies, no husband goes through such an idiotic process. But when a husband dies, it’s like the wife is getting punished as if she has killed him. Why should she wear a white dress throughout her life?

People have made drinking, which is completely against social norms, an accepted practice. Isn’t that enough to prove that people have the power to change social norms? It is we human beings who make society and create the social norms in our society. When we human beings are able to modify our cultural norms, why are we lagging behind on this issue?

Every widow should be allowed to marry again as per her wish. Immense criticism will follow even if she talks to some young man! And we are proud of our society! It is we who have to design our society. There are still various stupid provisions like that in our society. It may take time, for sure, but let’s make an attempt to remove such irritating provisions. Let our society be good, and let our upcoming generations praise us for the decisions we make. Let’s at least talk with their parents if she is a widow! Let us pressurise her parents to get her married! Let us make a contribution through our voice and make use of our right to speech!

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Legalizing Prostitution

Jun 29, 2011
Legalizing Prostitution
I dont criticize if you are against prostitution. Personally, even I am against it. It's certainly not a good thing to have sex with some other people and basically when you are in relation. It's all through prostitution you gift disease to your spouse. No matter if you use the contraceptives, it's not at all respectable thing to go motels and hotels for your physical satisfaction. You are not a good person if you go there. But even smoking is bad, it is risky too. Still you smoke. So no matter how much the explanation, criticisms or persuasion is done, people go there and the business continues.
Despite the fact prostitution is cursed specially the girl there exists a behind. Let me trace one that I heard on one of the FM station. She came from poor family, both her father and mother died. She had no option than suicide and then her sister's face stops her from it. Being elder it was her responsibility to look after her two sisters. She then got job first in the dance bar and then in prostitution. Today her both sisters are studying in good school. Now do you call this girl good or bad? If you are human, you salute her and if not you would call her good only if she had committed suicide. We never care for such hidden stories thereby. She sold her body and let her sisters learn. Now do you call prostitute bad? Prostitution bad? Take it from economical view, legalizing prostitute will definitely help the country's economy prosper. There are points like corruption that will create obstacle but strict tender system can work out. There are countries that developed after legalizing prostitution. So why are we lagging behind? Now the question comes should Government allow it? Oh! Come on! Government should not allow smoking by closing the factory, but why don't they do? Because they receive heavy tax out for it! Similar is the case of it. Legalizing it will let the Government earn a lot for sure. And even when Government is not allowing, the business is on. Now, I don't mean to open it everywhere for everyone. Let certain area be separated for it with the restrictions in factors like contraceptives, age etc. It' will definitely give direct and indirect job to a lot. Foreign dollars will be welcomed openly then. If Government is that tough, it has to be able to close all alcoholic factories of the country else has to provide full employment and when it can't do both, it not any injustice to launch open sex in Nepal.
It is something really stupid to expect the Government providing employment services to all. So legalizing free sex can really be beneficial from economical vision. Instead Government can warn the prostitutes regarding the misuse that can destroy their life and can provide condoms to them so that they can advise their clients or customers strictly to put it on. More than that Government can also provide a good source of earning to them. People go to the prostitutes even when it is termed illegal, and this has proved something impossible to stop this business basically in towns and cities. It's not bad idea either or the prostitute to live their life selling their body rather than selling kidneys. So why are we still backward in it? The fear can be within Government regarding over all protests, so let's stay prepared to Welcome if Government decides to legalize sex. Have a safe Sex!
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The burden of education

Jun 2, 2011
The burden of education
Can't you even carry this thin book?" I remember my teacher scolding me with this line. I wanted to reply, "Ma'am,can you carry ten books and ten notebooks every day? I am sure you would call for someone if
you had to carry three kilos of vegetables. Now compare our size!" but I always stopped myself. I really had a tough time going to and from school carrying a bag that weighed not less than five kilos. These days, I see students carrying similar loads outside my window, and I remember my childhood days.

The education system of Nepal has been admired all around, but it is becoming more and more expensive. The boarding school system divided by various examinations and extra activities are the best parts of boarding schools in Nepal. Providing good and solid English tuition is another great advantage. These probably are the reasons why parents send their children to boarding schools, no matter how expensive it is. However, the monetary cost, physical punishment and sometimes poor teachers are problems, but they can be experienced in many other schools too. My least favourite thing, however, was the weight of my schoolbag.

It's nothing amazing to see an eight year old child carrying a bag that weights more than three kilos everyday while going to school. It is a common thing for students studying in Class Eight to carry something like five kilos. Parents are powerless to change this. A student needs to carry at least eight textbooks every day. Similarly, eight notebooks, which can be further divided; like science gets
divided into biology, chemistry, physics and astronomy; English into literature and grammar; social studies into history, geography etc.

Students hardly realise that the weight is troubling them, but later on in life, symptom like back pain appear. It's difficult carrying weighty bags and walking. There is a lack of school bags designed for
such heavyweight purposes, so bags tear often. Educational institutions need to take this issue seriously. It might be difficult and expensive to launch e-schooling in the present situation, but they can still bring certain changes. Minimising subdivision of subjects enables students to carry less. A good library
with all sorts of required reading will discourage pupils from carrying such large quantities of books. A trusted drinking water service will mean they needn't carry water. Similarly, there is the role of book publishers too. Publishers can bind the books into one to make it perfect. Unnecessary materials from books can be removed by the concerned authority. Good, proper quality reduces the weight of books and notebooks. Why let the students carry such burdens when it troubles them in the end?


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Lizard vs. Fly (Fiction Based Story)

May 8, 2011
Lizard vs. Fly
The clock was moving really late, it was nine and the he was waiting
for the time to be eleven so that he could talk to his sister through
skype. He also had to watch one of the DVDs that he brought at the day
when his schools got closed for vacation. He already had his meal, and
had nothing to do with. He could not sleep either as he had slept
entire day. Vacations were getting boring day after the day, and nor
did he want the vacations to end up soon. Swaroop was staring at the
candle, when all of sudden he saw the same injured fly that he saw
yesterday. Yesterday's evening was really memorable one for him. He
was doing his home work when the fly was moving around him. Giving it
a damn, he was busy at his home works when the fly sat before his
notebook. He was trying to threaten the fly and let it go, but all of
sudden a lizard came in front and the anxiety reached his mark. He was
simply staring at the fly and lizard, where the lizard was acting as
if to be dead, and fly was resting with its own dream.

Probably the fly had the responsibility to feed its young children,
and was the father of his family. It was probably on its duty to
gather foods for the family. Or maybe the flies are not sensitive
enough to have cute families like we do so maybe it was the mother,
who probably had her children some where and was searching for the
food so that she could keep her children away from hunger. But where
could it store the food; maybe some where in the mouth itself or the
wings, or the legs. If this was the case the fly was tired and was
making the rest in front of my note book. The lizard seems cunning,
the belly shows that it was not hungry, but how can I judge if it was
or not? Why is it acting so numb? Is it dead? Oh! It is making my
table dirty; let me throw it away…but…Oh!! What a terrible attack! Fly
Vs. Lizard! Sounds like Elephant vs. Dog, but let me watch it. The
lizard jumped over the fly, and fly fell down the table of mine. The
lizard was trying to go down, but there were other flies that carried
her some where away. My vision towards lizard made me realize that
lizard probably was hungry or was there to hunt for the food so that
it could feed its family members. Then the lizard probably had no any
options besides returning back with the same old cunning face. It was
already mid night, and there were still a lot of days for the holidays
to end. So I stopped my home assignments and kept aside the note books
and my pen. I could not see the fly, but the lizard was there near the
bulb itself. I lied down on the bed then to wait for another new day.

It is just nine, and I need to spend two more hours to get the
electricity line, and I will talk to my sister then. This time I will
request her to send me a new I pod that could be more attractive than
Gaurav. Oh! I also need to watch the movie 'social network'; I don't
know what is there so special, and why all my friends have been
talking about it in face book since so long. Let me watch it tonight,
so that I can participate in their comments as well. But two more
hours, and I have to be with this candle for that time. I am not
sleepy at all, as I have slept through out this day. Let me bring the
candle near by me...Oh! This one is the same cunning lizard of
yesterday! What is it doing here? Oh.again it is making another fly
its victim? No! No, it seems like it is yesterday's fly itself. Oh,
the fly is injured, it lacks its one wing, and the walking style
clearly shows how difficult are it for it to walk. And is the lizard
again trying to make the fly its food? Let me make this fly go
away...but lizard probably is not wrong either, it is living its life
like it is used to. Attack! Another attack made by lizard, but failed,
the fly is running. This time lizard seems aggressive; it is running
back as well. Fly speeds up, tries to fly, but No! Again another
attack! Again another wing seems to get victimized this time as well.
Now the fly is trying it's best to run, but it is getting really slow,
but still is trying to run away. Oh! Dead End! There is no way to go
ahead! Window glass! It tries to run to left. And again right and
finally it turned out to be food of lizard! Yes, lizard swallowed the
fly within no time.

Lizard was so rude! It killed an creature below it's power for the
food. Poor fly! Where were her companies today? And when it was
injured, why had it to come there again? Maybe, there were no one to
look after her children and could not see her children hungry. Who
will look after her family now? So will the children die of hunger
again? How could lizard be so rude? But…but...even we human beings
kill animals for our it was the same thing probably! Are we
human beings rude too? Lizard should not be blamed because it was on
the way for having its own food. At least it was responsible and could
live his life on its own. Independent life! Like the sir said, maybe
this is the ecology system. That goes on! But is there any necessity
of having food for us killing those animals? Are not we criminal?
There exists so much love and support among those insects as well, but
we have been acting like terrorists, killing each other. At least the
lizard don't kill lizard, but we humans kill humans! Why are we...Oh!
Electricity came!

Swaroop opened his computer, his sister was online, and he could not
speak anything all he wrote to his sister was I love you didi...

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Taking Advice

Apr 25, 2011
Taking Advice
We are social creatures, and we seek freedom. It’s really irritating if someone tries to treat you like a captive. Maybe freedom is one major reason why youngsters fly abroad as there is no one to scold them and they get to live their life in the way they want. Truly, when it’s our life, we should get the freedom to live as we wish.

But this does not happen here. There are thousands of actors who turn out to be a villain in our life. Every senior we meet tries to give us advice on how we must live.

One says, if you don’t study science, that’s stupid, while others will claim there is no scope in science. I am sure such advice is not new. I don’t call such advisors bad, as they mean well. But it’s the advice receiver who needs to tolerate them. Since they are our seniors, there is no point in arguing with them.

Probably, they are exposing their feelings in the advice they give. Or else, why should the advice vary from one person to another? One suggests you go abroad after completing high school, while another will claim there will be much trouble earning and studying there. Now what do you call this? Advice? I call it a feeling. Such varying advice causes irritation in you. The feeling of irritation will then be followed by confusion, frustration and anger.

In Nepal, it is difficult to avoid the advice of others. Even a person sitting next to you in a bus is ever ready to give you expert advice. The advice receiver must, therefore, grow wise and properly analyse all the advice he is receiving.

One says drinking is necessary as one needs to socialise while another will say drinking is not good for you. Now don’t get confused. Mix the two pieces of advice and arrive at the conclusion that drinking in limits is okay.

There really is nothing wrong in lending your ears to people’s advice. Take in all the advice they give for free and then give them a thought. Know the benefits and effects of studying science from the advisors and then you decide for yourself what to do in the end.

Your grandfather may say, do not listen to AC-DC’s songs as they will make the hearing or listening power weak. Now your cousin may claim that AC-DC is the best band in the entire universe and praise its style. Now it’s up to you, will you listen to AC-DC just because your cousin likes it or will you avoid stop listening to it simply because your grandfather hates it?

Both of them are right. So listen to AC-DC, Enrique and Beatles once. If you like any of them, that’s perfect. You can listen to AC-DC in low volume. Or you may not like any of them, instead you may settle for Taylor Swift’s songs. So listen to her songs. But whatever decision you take in the end has to be meaningful. And let that be the unspoken advice to others.

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Going for the mix up

Apr 9, 2011

Going for the mix up

It's good when one doesn't need to stand in a queue for anything.

I was really happy to find out the `token' system in various banks, government offices and other places. One needs to simply get the coupon or token from a dispenser, and wait peacefully till your number is called out or digitally displayed. The system definitely needs appreciation as it removes the irritating trend of standing in a queue in front of the relevant counter.

The digitalized system doesn't require you inquire frequently whether your turn has come. The digital display screen shows the your number when your turn comes. This system really is wonderful and requires appreciation.

However, the mismanagement of this service makes the system irritating as well as frustrating. Let me trace an incident that I faced some time back. I took the coupon as soon as I reached the bank, and then filled the deposit slip and had to wait for my turn to come. I sat down in one of the chairs to relax. There was a queue there as well. I was confused. At that instant I saw a man come, fill in the deposit slip and stood in the queue and his job was done, while I kept on waiting for my turn to arrive. My fury made me stand in the queue.

All of a sudden, another man came with his coupon saying it was his turn, and he got the chance. I wondered about the system. I felt really frustrated; and I am sure anyone there would be. Either the bank had to follow the coupon system or the queue system.
How can it bank of the use of both the systems.

Finally, it was my turn and handed my coupon to the teller. Although my work was done, I was not satisfied with the simultaneous us of the old and new way.

Maybe we are still in the transitional phase. We haven't got over with the old one and the new technique enters.
The confusion seems to exist not only for the users but also for the service providers. Is it a competition?
Going for the coupon system must be a leap forward by the bank management. But, only if the transactions were to be performed as per the coupon basis! It's not that I abhor the queue system, both the coupon and standing in the queue at the same time is out of comprehension.

That's just one side of the story.

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Writing is not easy (My First Writing)

Apr 2, 2011

Writing is not easy (My First Writing)

After going through my letters to the editor in different newspapers, people give me all kind of feedback. Some believe I will someday be a journalist. Others believe that getting published in the letter column is easy as breaking an egg. I have been hearing them for last three years. An admission : I took to writing letters because I hated my studies. One day, when I was in class ten, I wrote to the 'Letter to the editor' section of the Post just to pass my time. To my surprise, it was published the next day! I was so happy and excited, and thus began my letter-writing spree.
When I got into the college, I expected my teachers to go through my letters and talk about them in the classroom. But during my two years in plus two, not one of them had any idea I wrote to newspaper on regular basis. Luckily, the station manager of a local FM station in Biratnagar used to read my letters and comment them favorably to my father. It was thanks to all those letters that I got the job of Radio Jockey for a year.
At last getting the kind of attention I was looking for, I thought about upgrading to the Post Platform column and then finally, to the feature articles. I promptly wrote a dozen Platforms. Sadly, not one of them was good enough to published. After cleaering my plus two, I faced another hurdle.In those days, I didn't have a computer to be able to write long stuff, like the Platform. However, writing small letters was still possible through the GPRS connection of cell phone, which I took full advantage of.
Since I have been collecting all the Post Platforms and started analyzing them to get an idea about what I should be writing about - so keen I was to get published in the column. Then came time to pick a topic to write about. It was a tough job as none of my earlier ideas had been accepted. I thought about it night and day: in the microbus, while walking on the road, when I was reading or...even when I was in the bathroom. But nah! I couldn't get a unique topic to write on. After something like a fortnight, I thought: why not to write about my unsuccessful tries?
I don't know if these thoughts will find a place on the editorial page. If not, I have since come up with two more ideas and I will write something on them for sure. If I do get published, I'll jump with joy, as I will be well on my road to becoming a successful, ahem, writer.

(This is my very first writing that got published on The Kathmandu Post(Oct 25 2009))
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Cycling Around

Mar 4, 2011

Cycling Around

My dad told me he would buy me a motorbike next year. That is welcome, but driving around in a private vehicle for a middle class family member like me is going to be expensive, what with the ever increasing fuel prices. The motor bike itself is going to cost at least a hundred thousand rupees, while I will need to spend around a hundred rupees for the fuel everyday to travel 40-60km.
Has anyone give a serious thought to cycling? I come from the Terai and grew up cycling. After shifting to the capital, however I realized that people here do not move around in bicycles. It’s mostly the vegetable vendors who do so with the expectation of a few, of course. So I figured that a vehicle determines one’s status in society in Kathmandu.
It used to take me 20 minutes to reach my school which was three kilometers away from my home. It was all so cheap because you could buy a first hand bicycle for Rs 4,500. Maintenance charge did not exceed Rs. 25 a month. All in all, per month expenditure on my bike came to around Rs 40.
But here in the capital, I am having to spend Rs 14 per day commuting from Gaushala Putalisadak on the public vehicle. This means I am spending Rs 400 a month on transportation.
There is no denying that a bicycle ride is very economical. It also has other advantages. It is the most energy efficient transportation that provides healthy exercise with better muscle tone, bone mass improvement and a clear skin. It also helps to improve one’s self esteem. You don’t need separate time for exercising if you cycle daily. It is environment-friendly as it creates neither noise nor air pollution.
The best part is that you are less likely to get stuck in the traffic jams as you can weave through the traffic easily. And last but not the least, parking comes cheap.
Now, I am not expecting you to throw away your motorbikes and cars and start cycling. But for short distances, it would certainly be beneficial to use the bicycle. Maybe people of social standing could promote this mode of transportation.
Would you take to cycling if, say, Nima Rumba or Nikhil Upreti went around in bikes? I am sure if personalities like Hari Bansha Acharya and Madan Krishna Shrestha, or if doctors and business entrepreneurs did the same, a lot of people would be inspired to go around on bikes. When there are so many advantages to cycling, why not use it?

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Apartment Trend

Feb 25, 2011
Apartment Trend

If you give a round to Kathmandu valley, you can find large number of
constructions work going on with the board hanged naming the
apartments. It must be a good business happening, else it would not be
like mushroom growing in the valley. They charge certain percent for
the system called 'booking' and promise to have over the apartment
within certain time. One funny thing is they make huge publicity, let
that be by taking full page of newspaper or by bringing superstar in
their advertisement but there will simply remain the stuffs required
for construction at the site instead of constructing and we book for
the virtual buildings.

Let there be anything, but apartment has been able to lock hundreds of
people in a single building. This system of apartment has made easy
life for any medium class family because we get to own flat in 1.2
million itself. It has turned fruitful to the business as well. Yes
lot of unemployed peoples is getting employment facilities as well.
They at least get to earn certain money. Advertisement regarding those
apartments has provided salary to the models there and served as the
life to the Medias who earn a lot through the advertisements. So there
is profit to customers, sellers, Medias, employees and everyone linked
to it. How can we ignore the salient features included there? All
those physical fitness, lift, swimming pool facilities are conformably
beneficial and positive aspects of apartment system.

However, when we see from a broad vision, it has been playing the role
of major factor responsible for centralization. They are welcoming
peoples from outside to the capital to centralize. At the time, when
decentralization has to turn out in the nation, buildings of
apartments are inviting peoples from outside. A person can sell his
house outside the valley and easily purchase apartments here in
capital which will definitely lead to increase in population of that
particular place. Like a single building made for apartment has been
responsible for bringing hundreds of people within the Kathamdnu
valley. And it's not the thing that I need to explain the
disadvantages of centralization.

It must be through international communities that we are attracted
towards apartments and business firm has seen profit through it. But
the case seems to give a complete negative output for us Nepalese
here. India don't have apartment system in New Delhi itself, but all
the big cities there are familiar towards it let that be Mumbai or
Lucknow. But apartment trend in Nepal is limited only in Kathmandu
valley, which attracts more humans in the valley. Truly, we are
centralized. One has to come capital to get proper education, job,
facilities and other needs and it has been the system. Government
definitely needs to play the role to work for decentralaization, but
the trend of apartment has been equally responsible for the cause of

'Mero ghar…mero ghar…Kathmandu ma mero ghar…'Ah! This sounds so catchy
that one can definitely get attracted towards it, and if he got his
pocket heavy, he can pay for the iles of brick on air. It's not that
apartment system is completely wrong but there is the necessity of
proper management with strict Government rules for it.

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Say it with a smile

Jan 27, 2011
Say it with a smile
A person who doesn’t have a smiling face should not open a shop,” is a famous saying with lots of sense inside it. Truly, one needs to be cheerful, friendly and polite to own a shop and achieve success. Starting a business is not at all a big issue as you can do it by simply making an investment, but the main concern has to be to run a business. In order to run a business, customers are required and customers are not attracted if you lack a good welcoming smile on your face.

Weeks back, I went to a telecommunication shop for a recharge card, but the man in charge rudely stated thatere was no recharge card available. What do you think? Now, even for the service available there, I or for that matter anyone else will not go to the same shop. If this is the case, why don’t these businessmen understand it?

Similarly, at the barber’s where I having a haircut,a man came in and asked if a recharge card was available there. The barber ridiculed the man for entering his shop for a recharge card. The barber could have been more polite in answering the man.

It obviously doesn’t cost a penny to be polite, yet people forget that very basic in trying to act smart.

Being a business administration student, I am taught Human Resource Management which focuses on good human relations both within the organization and with the customers. No matter how good facilities you provide, if you are not able to deal with the customers in a proper way, they will not visit you.

Smart and beautiful ladies as receptionists are frequently observed.
But, without their courteous behaviour the customers will not be impressed. It is the polite behaviour that makes the lasting impression on any visitor.
We are in the monopolistic market where substitutes are easily available. If you are not treated well by one outlet, you can go to the next as there’s no one to stop you. To understand this one need not be a student of management.

When there is nothing to lose, but huge gains to be made courtesy your politeness, the best option is on being polite to the fullest.

Moreover, if politeness gives us mental satisfaction, reinforces our optistimism and keeps us happy, it makes sense to use it to our advantage in our dabble in business.

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Donating Blood

Jan 16, 2011
Donating Blood

Why should I donate blood? What will I get by donating blood? Is it worth it? Do these feelings come to you when you see a blood donation campaign somewhere around you?

To be honest, I always had these feelings. I had a huge body, but I hesitated to give blood. Yet I would feel a kind of jealousy when my lean and thin friends visited the blood donation camps and came with a
certificate in their hand. So one day in college, I searched the Internet to see what the advantages of donating blood could possibly be. I learnt that donating blood was an excellent way to get rid of excess iron accumulated in our body. Excess iron stimulates the formation of free radicals which are responsible for damaging our body cells and tissues.

Blood donation is beneficial from another view also as it burns the extra calories and reduces the cholesterol level. When we donate blood, the blood cell count decreases in our body, and this stimulates
the bone marrow to produce new red blood corpuscles (RBC) to compensate the loss. Hence the production of new blood refreshes the system.

Another advantage is that you get a free checkup for blood-borne diseases like malaria and HIV. Also we are handed a Red Cross card, which gives us priority at a time when we need blood. Let's not forget
that positive feelings are associated with it. Wow! After discovering all these, would it not be stupid if I still didn't go for it? But those nurses with the thick needles, pipes made me nervous. But since I had already noted down my name, I had no option but to go through it.

Totally nervous, I lay on a chair, watching blood drip into the plastic pouch. Within moments, it was all over. There was an initial feeling of weakness, but it was over in no time. I had donated blood and that was what mattered! When there is nothing but benefits, besides doing some social service, why should we hesitate to donate blood? Once the first attempt is made, it is most likely that you will be excited in donating the second time, too.

One research shows that 5 per cent of the world's total population donates blood, and if five more per cent donated blood, there would be no scarcity of blood. So let's wake up and start donating blood.


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