Congrats Dylan

Nov 25, 2016

In democratic country, any individual certainly have the right to speak and express their opinions. But that does not mean that they need to obstruct other’s routine simply to get voices heard. I remember
the strike called out time and again throughout world - be it Anna Hazare's movement in India or Tamil Tigers move in Sri Lanka, be it terrorist attack at France, or Bokoharam's moves simply to get their voices heard. Be it the agitation and protest simply to demand the chair, or to protest upon the drafting constitution there were strikes creating hindrances for normal living time and again. 

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चिनियाँ छायाँसँग जोडिने नेपाली विकास

Nov 24, 2016
१९६२ मा नेपालमाथि नाकाबन्दी हुँदा या १९८९ मा र फेरि पनि भारतले गरेकोे नाकाबन्दीको समयमा, चीनले नेपालको समर्थनमा आफ्नो सहयोग उपलब्ध गराएकै हो । गतवर्षको नाकाबन्दीका समयमा चीनले ‘ठूलो राष्ट्रले सानो राष्ट्रमाथि ज्यादती गर्नु हुँदैन’ भनेर घुमौरो भाषामा नेपालको पक्षमा बोल्नुका साथै इन्धनलगायत वस्तु अनुदानमा उपलब्ध गराएकै हो । भूकम्पको समयमा गरिएको सहयोगको झन् अर्कै लेखाजोखा होला । १९६२ को र अहिलेको चीनमा धेरै अन्तर छ ।
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Social Stigma and Youth Trouble in South Asia

Nov 17, 2016
The shame or disgrace attached to something that is unacceptable to society can be regarded as social stigma. Erving Goffman, one of the most influential sociologists of twentieth century explains, the phenomenon whereby an individual with an attribute which is deeply discredited by his/her society is rejected as a result of the attribute. Stigma is a process by which the reaction of others spoils normal identity.
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Piracy, Money and Greed

Nov 1, 2016

 The life of 'celebs' in Nepal is still difficult, because, once they start gaining a public image, they have to spend large sums of money on their daily lifestyle. In one recent interview, model and actor Priyanka Karki had stated that her average monthly expense was around fifty thousand as she explained the economic challenges that any 'celebrity' had to face in Nepal.
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