Investing in new venture-barriers troubling South Asia

Nov 9, 2017
Image result for investmentThere has been monopoly in lot of sectors today, and this has been acting as one prime reason for hindrance for entrepreneurship promotion throughout South Asia. There is syndicate system in lot of fields that obstructs the new business ventures, and de-motivates the investors to invest amount taking up some new business.
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बैङ्किङ चुनौती : एक होइन, अनेक

Nov 7, 2017
Image result for swift bankस्वीफ्ट ह्याक भएर विदेशी बैङ्कमा रहेको खातामा करोडौं रकम तानिएको खबरले गत हप्ता बैङ्किङ बजारमा तरङ्ग सृजना गर्‍यो । एकथरी बैङ्कका ग्राहकले त आफ्नो खातामा केही हिनामिना भएको हो कि या पूरै पैसा छ कि छैन सम्म हेरे ।
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