How to thank blood donor?

Aug 17, 2016

Sometimes, it happens that you need someone to donate blood for your near ones. You will be desperately looking for blood around, but you won't find it easily. Blood Bank will ask you to come with some donor. You then start looking for someone with the required blood group.

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Next Step

Aug 12, 2016
Life brings so many steps in our journey, and we need to take into the step, because the time pushes to. There are so many dreams that an individual has, so many hopes, so many plans, so many ideas, so many thoughts - but again, some of them gets fulfilled, while some of them don't.
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Human Rights Violation in Corporate World

Aug 1, 2016
Tracing history, human rights violations can be notably found in mining companies, since early times. It was in existence during the time of white domination over Africans. Despite the introduction of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), corporate houses tended not to take issue. After the Human Development Report was published in 2000 which stated, 'Of all Human Rights failures today, those in economic and social affect by far the larger number and are most wide spread across world's nations and large number of people', issues concerning human rights violations in the corporate world was iced over. No attention was given before.
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