How to thank blood donor?

Aug 17, 2016

Sometimes, it happens that you need someone to donate blood for your near ones. You will be desperately looking for blood around, but you won't find it easily. Blood Bank will ask you to come with some donor. You then start looking for someone with the required blood group.

By the end of the day, you find someone of distant relationship willing to donate blood for you. And, the blood bank will take the required blood from them. Now, the question lies - how to thank them?

Blood Donation is some social act that people feel like doing without any expectation. Out of 4 P's of Marketing, here, the price is blood that the donor pays, but not for anything - just for satisfaction (product) generally.

Few days back, we went for donating blood for someone unknown needy, on the request of some lady, who was almost weeping for it. Out of three, two (including me) were rejected for having low BP. We were then asked to eat something, take coffee and come back again. We did the same, and came back. We then donated the blood.

Once we were out - this lady wanted to hand us around 3000 rupees (Around 28 US$), which we could not accept at any cost. We were not donating for the sake of money after all, and despite her huge request, we had to refuse. Although broke, wondering for jobs around, we could not take that money. Maybe, it was like - selling blood for us?

We finally settled, making strong determination and assuring her stating that we did this without expecting anything and went away. She thanked from the bottom of the heart. We could feel it.

We then analyzed, what would be the best thing to do?

From her point, she was okay, she wanted to thank unknowns who donated the blood. From our point, we could not accept the money, after all there was no intention of earning from this act.

Had it been for someone really poor, who could not manage meal twice a day, that money was required. But, for another bunch, same monetary value would be an insult. Ultimate way to thank blood doner - probably was feed them with some juice. We were feeling low once we donated, had she brought us some juice, or few apples that would be something that we could not reject. But, the best thing that a blood donor needs is - 'Thanks with smile'.

She probably wanted to hand us the amount for the same thing, but, that was too rude thing to do. We will be provided with one small juice from blood bank, but if she really would want to thank us more, maybe that would have been something good. It was not necessary though, but again, if someone really want to thank - please do with something they would need.

People don't donate blood for the sake of money after all.

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