Chocolaty Love

Feb 14, 2010
Choclaty Love

While refering to my mini dictionary, mean ing of love was explained as: 1. very strong affection and sexual attraction; 2. great liking; 3. romantic or sexual relationship between two people who are not married to each other. My mind got confused and then. Meaning number 1 made me satisfied to some extent, Meaning number 2 could not make clear and meaning number 3 was not at all satisfactory. 'Strong affection' could be one of the portion of love, but how can there be sexual attraction in all the love? However, considering today's love, the meaning could turn satisfactory. Regarding the second meaning, 'great liking', I could not support it nor could protest against it. Regarding the third, that could not satisfy me from any point. How can love be limited before marriage only?

Then I came down to present status of love. I would rather prefer calling it 'chclaty love'. I thought to write on this topic, after seeing the couple at on corner of the street at the time of loadshedding sitting at one corner catching each other's hand. My mind could not take a side, was that the love? This incident compelled me to turn down the pages of dictionary and could not get the exact meaning. Life in town, or college life's one rememb ering part is love affair. If any guy or girl studying in grade eleven says 'I am in relation' Is not that full of prestige? And how about the sayings, ' My boyfriend has a bike', ' My girlfriend comes to college in scoty'? Is not that full of prestige? While studying in my college, even I realized that good mobile set, bike and good dressup full of pocket money are the factors to get the beautiful girl. And taking the girl round the city in the backeat of the bike! Ah! Anyone can figure that out!

It's fun, and yes! Its choclaty love! Choclaty love definitely can not exist for long time and everyone will realize this with the crossing time. Love today is made fashion. While listning to various love stories, the suffering is there in maximum cases all because of the choclaty love. Choclaty love begins with purposal then the date and first kiss and then terminates within certain of sexual intercourse. Cases of abortion in Nepal as well is in increasing trend and the numbers of college studying girls are equally increasing as
said by one of the report in one of the FM station.

Season of love, February 14 is in the air. Youngster's in Nepal has great importance of this particular day. Various TV shows, FM shows completely dedicate their time for this day. And even mass media has contributed for making this day as important as Dashain.

Loving is not a crime at all, but I say choclaty love is a crime. Comparing the love of decade back and that of today, we find the huge difference. Like air, water and street, love is getting polluted as well.
And when VJ's or Rj's claim that love is in the air, all I wishper is 'The Polluted Air'!

Taking a girl to hill side at Nagarkot on the back seat of bike, entering the café, kissing there with some other physical fun! That's love for the present generation or, spending the balancing sending messages, or
talking on the phone, that's love for the present generation. 'Love at first sight' Can that happen? But that's love for the present generation. They say Yes! How can you fall in love just seeing her for the first time? Without knowing her or even talking to her? What else should I say for it beside choclaty love? I think that there needs to be proper understanding between both boy and the girl to be in real love! Understanding can be developed only after long span of friendship among them as knowing anyone really takes more time. You cant be true girlfriend by saying 'Hey Hey Hey I want to be your girlfriend' As Avril says in her song.

Valentine day is not a bad festival, but it needs to be celebrated in proper way. Love needs to be pure. Removing the virginity can never be proof of real love. On this valentine day if anyone is in plan to
purpose a girl, or breakup or kiss or get physical. Turn responsible and think if it is choclaty. Is it selfish? And think if can be ever lasting and only then go ahead. Keep it in mind you have to be responsible and must be able to answer if tommorow your child asks anything about your past. If you are in relation, think of new ideas and resolution to improve your relation rather than getting physical this day. Let's  contribute to make the love pollution free and celebrate 14 Feb. Happy Valentine's Day!


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