Mar 23, 2010
‘If you want to save music, you need to save piracy’. Any music artist would say you this. They are right from their view. When artists are completely dedicated towards music itself, they require certain financial position as well. Living a life of celebrity itself is costly and beside that thy also will have to look after their family. It would definitely not suit Sabin Rai to get into micro when he is in the Capital. Nor will a taxi driver offer him free journey. So no one can deny the fact that living a life of celebrity is expensive. But can a celebrity earn enough to live his life in Nepal? The question counts because if the answer would be ‘yes’, obviously Karna Das, Girish Khatiwada, Sanjeev Singh would not migrate abroad. All that celebrity wants from us today is ‘To buy original copy’
But why? If they are having tough time to maintain their financial status, can’t it be that the citizens are also going through tough time? And when it comes to monetary thing, all human beings are greedy. Why would a music lover buy the original copy when he gets DVD or CD filled with dozens of albums in Rs 50, why should he spend Rs 250 for original single album? Even if celebrity were not celebrity, they would not rush for the original track. When there don’t exist quality difference why should a music lover rush for the original copy? I wonder how many Nepalese singers run after original CD’s of International artists. It needs to crystal clear that without piracy it is difficult to earn fame staying in Nepal for any music artists. Bollywood movies are very popular in Nepal from the capital to villages. Why? All because of piracy. A person living in backward place of Nepal talks about Indian movie, all because of piracy.

I don’t mean to say that there must be freedom of piracy, but all I wanted to explain is that artists must be able to compete with the piraters. If Robin Tamang decides to make cheapest price of his album, something like Rs 10 obviously his fan would not rush for the pirated copies. Okay, such drastic change maybe difficult at this particular moment, they why cant they bring attractive skims there? Like collect three different Original CD’s of Nima Rumba and get 20 minutes talk time with him. Or buy Original CD’s of Sugam Pokharel and get a chance to dine with him in his house every week! Or how about the bumper draw to feature Anil Singh in his new song. It could even work like Buy Original CD of Nabin K Bhattarai and get chance of modeling in his upcoming videos. Such skims can definitely bring change in piracy tradition. For these even singers need to be activity. ‘Kill Piracy, Save Music’ would probably not work at the present context.

With the advancement in technology music has been used through various sources. Not just in computer, today music is in I-pod, vell phone, MP3 and even CRBT. It’s impossible for the artists to save piracy from their present way. Personally, I will not rush for the original Cd’s when I get to listen the track I prefer from transferring it into my cell phone via Bluetooth of my cell phone. What about you?


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