A common hope

Jan 9, 2012
Every day begins with a new hope and new commitments. So does the NewYear. The New Year starts with the fresh, exciting morning with fresh new hopes, and new determination. It is certainly not wrong to hope. Everyone has his or her own hope resting on the New Year beginning. The hopes may differ from one individual to another, yet there is some positive thinking that goes together.The businesspeople deserve every right to hope for the expansion of their business, and employees may be hoping for an increment in their salary. So, what are you hoping for? I am sure you probably are not hoping anything like the appearance of a genie granting you three different wishes. What will the year 2012 be granting us? No one knows! Maybe disturbing environment or constitution! Or maybe more load shedding, high inflation, shortage of fuel and food. Gone are the days when you exchanged the post cards of Sunil Setthy, with loads of wishes on the back. We even hardly bother to send greeting cards in reality to our friends and relatives. We go for the e-cards that makes it easy and fast. It is keeping with the demands of the times. Yet, there is always a hope of something better. But, how long are we going to live on such hopes? It’s true there are cases where hope has a lot more to do when you cannot work for it, like a beggar hoping to win a car on the lottery ticket that he had bought. This is not to explain how to design your new year as it moves along before another year comes along, but we the people must have a common hope. The common hope is not just for one’s own benefit, but is for the whole lot of us. Yes, it is for the whole society in reality. Let us hope for something common and practical. A hope of the accomplishment in drafting the constitution this year. Or a hope for the gradual decrease in load shedding hours, hope for the high inflation rate to come down. Let us hope for peace in the country, where everyone lives together in peace and harmony. A hope regarding the successful promotion of Visit Lumbini Year 2012. Let us hope the present government proves to be more satisfactory than the earlier one. Only if we manage to maintain common hopes, we get united. The hope of the inhabitants of Jumla should match the hope of the people of Dharan. It starts out with a hope, but efforts are required to materialise hope into something real for our own good. In the meantime, everyone should be sincere and truthful with each other. Selfishness must give way to good sense. It is only through our own efforts that our good will come. Only blaming others is not a step in the right direction.



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