
Feb 21, 2012

Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.
Peter Drucker
Management is simply the act of managing people under your control in a tactful manner, so that the objectives can be easily obtained. Now, when it comes to leadership, it is doing things right. Let’s view from an illustrative perspective. Management means making the nation a good one, but leadership simply is the way of walking that prospers way. There can be mistakes in management, and you can record the mistake so that it cannot reoccur again back. But, when you are leader, there simply is no any way for mistake, because what ever you do has to be right. There maybe thousands of your followers in the universe that you have been possessing, so your slight mistake is a question of your leadership. What Hitler did was right at that time, what Mao did was the only way.
Aiming to be a leader requires the super duper quality and high practice, high confidence! You can be a good speaker, but unless you feel that ever action that you have been taking is right, you really are not fit to be a leader. Let me remind you, leader never regrets and the word sorry is for followers or managers, not for leaders!

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