Introducing Tour

Sep 17, 2015

This time, as per the suggestion that I received, I am not going to post entire tour stuff at one single post and make you feel bored. Rather, I have decided to post in series wise step. Before all those, I need to start up with the background of the tour.

No, we were not on our college tour. We were not under any travel and tours, we planned on our own, and traveled on our own.

After reaching the down most part of India, Kanyakumari, we made up the plan to reach the top most part, Laddakh. That was all how our mission was set. This was not that easy, we had to struggle a lot. We first made up the plan after first semester exam, but ‘Swine Flu’ came out of no where like a viral, and feared us. We cancelled our booked tickets. Oops!

Again, before second semester board exam, we had to plan quick. Road to Laddakh remains open only for six month. It was upto September 15, so we had to get in and exit before that. So we made up our entire plan: Amritsar, Shimla, Manali, Dharmashala, Laddakh. This thing had to be remodified and we removed Dharmashala from our list.

So, we booked our tickets from our nearest station to Jalandhar (90kms far from Amritsar) and return ticket from Delhi to Chennai.
Ultimate Mission!

It would be totally unfair, if I say we had the fun, that you could never have. You can even have better fun, or more fun, enjoy more than us. We were basically under two limitations.
First, we were bunking class for this tour. And we have this great rule of attendance upto 75%, that would allow us 22 days to remain absent in a semester. We had tour of 14 days, two public holidays. We were missing 12 classes for sure.
Second, we were limited in our financial part too. We saved our stipends for months to make this trip a success. Compromises of new cell phone, tablets being in debt, that were common stories of all of us. We tried  minimizing our expenditure, let that be by eating bhujiya salad, for lunch in train, or by keeping tea and biscuit as breakfast. 

We practice optimum utilization of resources!

Travelling is fun alone as well. It is fun in group too. That is best part of student life after all. So, we were six in numbers:
1.       Me
2.       Susant, my room partner. Classmate. We studied bachelors together.
3.       Rusen, my neighboring roommate,  classmate.
4.       Gaurav my neighboring roommate, Rusen’s roommate., classmate. We studied Bachelors together.
5.       Kapil, our common ‘mama’,  my old room partner, MCA student.
6.       Shiva, my bachelor’s classmate, currently MBA student in Brindavan College, Bangalore.
Shiva and Susant Missing!


All updates are available about the activity in facebook, twitter and instagram under #TourDeNorthIndia2015

Places where train routes are not available. This was our company!

And, I will be posting about every places I visited, pictures, stories gradually on my blog!
Stay Updated!

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