Tweet Please!

Feb 5, 2017

I probably would never have started twitter, if the place where I had done my internship allowed to use Facebook. Since, Facebook was banned there, and no one used twitter, I started using twitter during my office hours, when I had nothing to do. Initially it was confusing, lots of people, people not following me. I later realized, they had no reason to follow me anyway.

I would never continue further using it after my internship was over, if Nishant Khanal, my junior college mate, had not made me realize the importance and separate world there in Twitter. Today, I find Twitter much more interesting, and rooms for opportunities unlike Facebook. People have their own perception, but let me explain my perception. You need to know people in Facebook, but in Twitter, you actually get to know people. That's the only difference.

I have met, and recognized bunch of wonderful people, whom I'd never know personally if I had not initiated the Twitter Account. Today, I know good and smart people just through Twitter.

What I love about Twitter is, you get to follow anyone you are interested in, and discuss with them upon any ideas that they present. You get to follow anyone you like, and start talking. It's nothing abnormal to talk to anyone in Twitter. Had this been in case of Facebook, I would recheck the last time we had conversation, and decide accordingly.

We get to know each other's views from Twitter. What they feel upon certain issues are reflected as well, and we get to discuss opinions. We get to know the view point of human beings, which we never thought of.

Apart, it's separate fun to use Twitter, following and creating trend. It's obvious that we get to know updated news upon some issues, apart, we also get to express our tweet to International World through the use of hashtag, and you never know someone from Afghanistan may like your tweet, or someone from Brazil may retweet.

Well, my tweets had not been that commercial, except, sometimes I use to promote my blog stories. However, there are some of the tweets which appeared in newspapers as well.

Limitation of character is next important part that is so fun about Twitter. You don't have to read something that does not interest you; it's just a line or couple of line that you can go through of everyone.

 I must admit that I have met some wonderful people, whom it would never be possible to meet in absence of twitter. Agyat wanted me to mention his name in the post. I took screenshot itself.

I see twitter as an easy and simple platform, who wants to keep on talking about anything to everything! No one cares, if I make 100 tweets a day either!

Happy Tweeting!

Published in Republica
Published by Official Page of BBC

Published in Republica

Published in Naya Patrika
My recorded Tweet!

Short talk with BBC Nepali Sewa about the then ongoing trend. BBC of Oct 15.2015

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