Theaters struggle to keep the show going

Apr 11, 2017
Image result for theater clipartStage performance and dramas has huge history behind in Nepal. The space between two lions standing in western side of Bhaktapur Durbar Square itself was the stage since very Malla times. Maybe it was even before when it happened, history has to explain it all.
Natyashala, which was only for Royal Family explains that it had been continued till pretty long time. It was when Rastriya Nach Ghar was built in 1959, the platform further enhanced. Again when Nepal Academy, Kamaladi was assigned for taking care of fine arts, literature, music and theater - Nepal got new era after King Mahendra built it along with office in 1968. It was one important platform that produced popular actors of Nepalese film industry.

For the modern theater, Sunil Pokharel must be granted enough credit who devoted his precious time and effort for the revival of Nepali Theater through Gurukul. It was through Gurukul's effort - the young generation of Nepal started being inclined towards theater. Theater started showing creative pictures and one bunch of art lovers inclined towards the world of theater. However, because of location issue - the theater could not survive long, and it now seems that it is almost lost. However, Gurukul must be granted huge credit for producing wonderful actors in Nepali Film Industry. Be it Saugat Malla, or Karma - they are the products of Gurukul anyway.
Image result for sunil pokharel

Gurukul not only changed the pattern of theater industry, but also taught young generation that acting is above passion and is blended with effort, dedication, consistency and lot of other elements.  This gave the reason why other theater houses started within capital - Mandala, Shilpi, Sarwanam or Theater Village.
Theater industry started moving ahead with blessings of Pokharel and has been producing talented artists for Nepali Film industry. The scenario of movie industry completely changed and people are now seeking creativity and reality over arts. Thanks to theaters!

Till last few years, the charm of Theater had been gaining hype in Nepal. Maybe to see Saugat Malla actually performing, or to see Bijay Baral at stage. One bunch of mass had been so keen to see the performance. There used to be regular check ins in facebook, tweets in twitter discussing about the performance. Gurukul's show used to be talk of the town. However, in these recent years - the mass seems to be getting step behind.

There are theater show lovers, but still it seems something is lagging behind.

Image result for problemFirst, absence of popular actors is making theater less charming. Yes, people go to see the performance, but they would love to see if they get to see some known ones there. Maybe Najir Hussain or Dayahang Rai are grown up and step away; but they audience would still love to see them. It is understandable, that theaters need to promote new talents too; but their absence makes audience feel low.

Next, theater are not yet independent body. Movies are taken as their substitute. So, what should people watch? Movie or get into theater - happens to be one important question. Earlier, theater was seen differently than movie, and people used to rush to Gurukul no matter what. But, at this age of show off, where one has to show whether they went to Mustang or Kalinchowk this season, theaters have not yet been able to create some charm. Rather than watching 12 Angry Men's performance and checking in, people found much charm in watching Loot 2 and posting it in facebook. Hence, creating charm is next important thing that theater industry should really work out.

Finally, it comes the question of cost. For those working group, this should not be concern. But, theater shows were preferred by students to large proportion. And, Rs 200 with card discount certainly is worth two days snacks for them. They will get to watch couple of movies at this price. Maybe, this restricts one mass from getting into theater shows. None of my friends want to spend Rs 300 and watch theater shows, despite their interest. The hard work of artists should be paid for, but again in this era of money, people pay for their satisfaction level too. My friends rather want to go for Lappan Chappan's show instead of Pandey's theater story.

Those theaters outside capital seriously seems having tough time in regular operation too. Theaters are great place for literature lovers, and should be enhanced. However, maybe with these times, it is important to research so that it won't get up to maturity level and decline.

Published in The Rising Nepal's Friday Supplement of March 31 2017.

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