My Exam Time

Aug 1, 2015

 As soon as exam nears, my mind starts thinking out of box. My mind wants to be extra ordinary, and I think of doing something different. Something like finding out next two new planets. Seriously! I hate exams anyway. Few changes that I find in myself during the time of exams:

      I love twitter so much!

Twitter is one thing that gives me company like nothing else. I am so much addicted towards this social media, and basically during exams! I have things to read,  but it is always interesting tor read peoples tweet. I must admit, I have known so many good peoples personally via twitter during the times of exam. It is basically during this time, I am so interactive.  Had there been no exams, 1/3rd of my tweets would not exist at all. Seriously!

2.       I love instagram so much!
Instagram indeed is a challenge for me normally, because I need to get a good snap. But, during exams, I keep on seeing anything that seems to be fit for insta post. I hate this, when my followings make so late post.

3.       I find timeline of my facebook real slow! Why don’t people post?
Why don’t people keep on posting in facebook? I sometimes wonder. But it is just during exams. I have things to read, but yes I must get updated with your stuffs too. I find it silly deactivating facebook during exams.  Facebook is the one another company for me, and how would I pass time if there was no exam at all? I find it surprising. I am so much active in facebook during these times. I do have enough time to chat with anyone of you. Seriously.

4.       I love any song that anyone would suggest!


Suggest me any song’ except Justin’s, 1D’s, or John Mayer’s song, I’ll surely love it. Let it be a slow rock song, I’ll get addicted and I swear I’ll tell you entire lyrics by the end of two days. Yes, even if the song is just okay, I find it so good! Oh yes, songs are created with investments and efforts after all.

5.       I love any movies, that people would term ‘boring’.
Movies infact let me relaxes during the exam time. It lets me get into the fictional world, and I’ll love animated movies during these times. However, I remember watching every stupid movie that someone stored in my laptop during exams! Yes, don’t tell me that the movie is stupid, I will say you that movie was good next day. Those boring movies will certainly be worth than boring books after all.

6.       I love sleeping like nothing!
I am never fond of sleeping other times. I normally sleep from 10-6, but when it is exam, I feel like sleeping every time. Let that be of morning 10-12, or 2-4 or even 6-8 in the evening.

7.       And I love cooking!
Every time during exams, I would be so fascinated for cooking. No matter what ever I prepare, I would love to try with different styles. I stay in hostel, can’t cook much. But yes, had I been in my room, I’d surely experiment lot of stuffs.

8.       I love checking opportunities

There certainly is lot of opportunities in the world of internet. All other time, I barely remember them, but once there is exam, I feel like checking all those opportunities around. And I love checking them, even trying. Sometimes I think of myself and find opportunities within my thought!

9.       I love making plans
Making plans are always beautiful. What to do after exams? That ends with, what to do after 10 years! And I get lost in my planning thought for almost an hour! I love making plans, yes, a good plan is half work done anyway.

10.   Ultimately, I feel like posting on my blog
As soon as exam appears, I get so worried about my blog. I find my blog not updated, and feel that I need to post something at least. I think a lot, and atleast post something, despite my exams. Maybe this is the reason, I could give consistency to my blog without making any excuses of exam.

11. And Mobile Games

Because we don't need to pay for video games any longer. Yes, I generally set high record during exam again! The only way to get refreshment is mobile games. That is what I feel, and I end up being refreshed for a real longer time.
 I must have bet you on Subway Surfer by now.

I try to focus on showing my effort, but then again I realize that my school topper is teaching tuition, plus two topper is hanged with some CA stuffs, Bachelors topper is washing dishes in Australia. So, I feel no use of topping in my life. No aggressive stuffs, taking things slow and steady would rather be beneficiary.
Oh did you read them all? See you wasted your time reading my blog during your exam too! Study, don’t be like me! ;)


Aakankshya said...

The more I read, the more I feel like it is so me! Hahahaaa... A fun read, very fun, in fact. Exams_on. Thanks.

Unknown said... dis time our music taste got missmatched wen it came to John mayer...nwayss loved dis idea of urs "my exam time".

Dwaipayan said...

Aakanshya, I didn't know that you were into twitter and instagram too..
Namrata, yeah' I have been finding this since long, looks like I am only the one who hates Mayer. And, I have been receiving so many feedback upon this Mayer's issue. ;)

Aakankshya said...

Besides some. Except 1 2 7 11. :)