Attending Concert!

Jun 28, 2016

Hari Bhai, this junior bhai from my college came to my room and started irritating me. 'Dai, tell me some stories, I know you have a lot', he insisted. Being raised in good capital family, he has no idea what other part of Nepal is like, so I often keep sharing how others enjoy their lives to him.
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Jun 23, 2016
Hyderabad is a bigger city. Bigger than I thought. If you take an auto, they may charge you very high - and they have to because the place could be like 30 kms away from the airport, or the railway station. This city is also a Muslim city - but not up to my expected Muslim density was observed, as I had been to Kashmir previously.
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Constitution of Nepal and International Community

Jun 17, 2016
European Union recently came up with their statement addressing Nepal’s constitution, recommending Nepal to work out for the amendments within the time framework. To large extent, their statement was appreciable, but the question stays, how justifiable was it for EU to talk about different sovereign country’s internal affair?
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युवा र सामाजिक सञ्जाल

Jun 13, 2016
हिमालयन जाबामा म कसैको प्रतीक्षामा रहँदा, मेरोअगाडि एउटा मेरै उमेरको पुरुष पनि कसैलाई पर्खिरहेको थियो । चिहाएर उसको फोन हेर्दा, फेसबुक चलाएको देखेँ । एलिना बेकरी क्याफेमा बस्दा अगाडि एउटा समूहको ‘गेट टुगेदर’ रहेछ । आठमध्ये चारजना आफ्नो फोनतर्फ टाउको झुकाएर बसिरहेका थिए । दुईजनाको फोनमा देख्थेँ, उनीहरू फेसबुक चलाइरहेका थिए, अरू दुईजना पनि पक्कै कि त फेसबुक कि त इन्स्टाग्राममा फोटो हाल्दै थिए होला । मेरो साथी आइपुग्यो अनि म पनि त्यही फोन चलाउन व्यस्त भएँ ।
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On my way

Jun 6, 2016

Maybe it's not wise to post this in my blog, but I have to clarify this. My tweet has been shared in Mens Room Reloaded (MRR) and Nepali Adult Jokes creating certain certain discussion series.
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Are We Lagging Behind in Social Media?

Jun 3, 2016
An American knew that his American Airlines flight was delayed for hours. He didn’t have any problem with that, but he was worried about his return flight, which was moved to an earlier time, when he would be in a meeting. He did not call their number to resolve the issue, nor did he send an email to delay his return flight. He simply tweeted to American Airlines, and his flight back was shifted to a more convenient time.
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