Why Decoding Stories of Failure is Important to Succeed?

Feb 11, 2018
Image result for failureA team of fresh graduates started an entrance preparation institute with a small amount of investment. However, the venture could not progress further due to the earthquake in 2015 and some problems in team management. Later, when they decided to regroup and rework, others in the market had made strong footholds. Eventually, they had to drop the idea.
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Celebrity Life: Misery Over Charm

Feb 9, 2018
Image result for famousSaroj Khanal flew back to United States. That was an issue here. Dawa Lama, the popular star from Meri Bassai is now driving bus from Besisahar to Ghalegaun; and that never caught any attention. If he had gone abroad, that would rather create a fuss throughout.
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अज्ञान कि बेवास्ता ?

Feb 1, 2018

Image result for unknown knowledgeसंविधान कार्यान्वयनको प्रक्रिया अगाडि बढेसँगै अब सबैको विषय आर्थिक क्रान्तिकै हुनेमा दुईमत छैन । आर्थिक क्रान्ति भन्नुको अर्थ नै अर्थतन्त्र बलियो हुनु हो । अनि अर्थतन्त्र बलियो तब हुन्छ जब देशमा भित्रिने र बाहिरिने रकममा सन्तुलन आउँछ । रेमिट्यान्स (विप्रेषण)मा कमी आयो भनेर आत्तिनुपर्ने हाम्रो मुलुकमा देशबाहिर रकम गएको तथ्य पनि भुल्न र बेवास्ता गरिहाल्नचाहिँ मिल्दैन । यहाँ प्रसङ्ग, विदेशी सामान ल्याएर रकम बाहिरिएको विषय होइन, प्रसङ्ग अर्कै छ । विदेशी वस्तु ल्याउँदा बरु भन्सार तिरिन्छ, राजस्व सङ्कलन हुन्छ । तर, खुलेआम राजस्व छलेर रकम बाहिरिरहेको विषयलाई बेवास्ता गरिएको अवश्य हो ।
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