Making best use of TV time

May 16, 2010
' So please, Oh Please, we beg, we pray,

Go throw your TV set away,

And in it's place you can install

A lovely bookshelf on the wall'

-Ronald Dahl

How many hours do you spend watching this idiot box? I used to watch atleast two-three hours everyday when I was at my home. Today, I am away from my home. I miss almost everything's out there but not that TV set. I never knew what was so exciting there that took my hours of time. I could never understand it's idioit-ity when I was in front of it. Today, I realize and prefer calling it 'time consuming box'.

Lot of readers reading it maybe calling me mad by this time. But when one gets serious and thinks, my feelings might get a lot of support. I read newspapers these days instead of watching TV and have atleast learned how to write. I listen to radio instead of watching TV. Reading newspapers, I have developed my writing skill, listening radio I have saved my time. Yes! I have to remain mum when they talk about 'Tito Satya' or 'Meri Bassei'; but feel proud when I realize that I have at least saved 30 minutes of my time.

The lines above requests to avoid TV completely, There really exists lots of disadvantages when we try to compare with advantages. First is that, watching TV spoils the capacity of eye. Or it damages the eye power. Secondly, it develops addiction. Thirdly it kills time. Fourthly it kills the creativity. Regarding the first con's, watching TV for a long time damages the eyes of various adults and basically of child. It kills time!

There is not any necessity to explain it. A serial gets ended either after she opens the door or when she is taken to hospital and doctor about to speak. This factor compels to watch the next episode, which  develops addiction within the viewers. Again, it removes the creative thinking ability when we are shown how monster looks, we don't even try to use our brain to think it's physical outlook. This ultimately kills the creativity.

I don't mean to say like Dahl, to throw your TV set. But to develop some good qualities, improve studies it's highly essential to be choosy at the time of watching TV. Various informational shows, news will definitely improve our knowledge and make it wide. Going through entertaining shows will make us refreshed for sure. But after all, it depends on us regarding how we will take it. At the present context it's necessary to utilize three-fourth of the time in some creative activities rather than watching TV. You can go and watch three idiots but it's not necessary to watch the song of three idiots every time it comes to MTV or Channel V.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great work yaar