Keeping Alternative

Dec 23, 2013

It's good if things go as per your expectation. You must call yourself lucky if even half of your hope gets fulfilled. It's wonderful if your aim is to be doctor and you get scholarship for it. No one expects something down of himself or herself.
But there are times when your expectation doesn't meet your path. This troubles a lot and may even drag towards the path that should never be stepped off. Imagine yourself a person who aims to grow rose and the plant dies in the early step itself. This definitely hurts.
There don’t exist any such tablet that allows your expectations meet the reality except your hard work and luck. It's not any magical writing to let your expectation come true and practical; instead it is something that suggests you to keep an alternative.

It definitely hurts when you have a firm determination to be pilot and the obstacles bind you from it. But give a think, only if you had keep an option of aeronautical engineering in your mind earlier, your tension would be less for sure. 'Okay, pilot was not my place, let me go for the aeronautical engineering' would pop into your mind. But No! You had no such option, as you were firmly determined to it. Now when you can't, it firstly troubles you a lot as your mind stays vacant without any option. Then this will consume your time in choosing option after your first priority goes down. You may not be able to
take a correct decision either as your mind grows completely disordered. So, simply to choose aeronautical engineer you might take the next one year. Does not it be a real time consuming idea for our life and you will be back by a year! That's disappointing! So why not to keep an alternative to keep the energy within us alive? It's not necessary to keep alternative on such important issues only. You can
keep on alternative day for shopping, for reading or even you can keep alternative for brand. Oh! Peter England is getting expensive, so what? Abercrombie is there! It's what you feel if you alternative.

One has to be at the top. But keep alternative lets you fall less than not having it. If you only manage to say 'Its okay with other caste if I don't get of my caste', you will be really flexible to some extent. Your conservative thought will be removed and you have to make comparatively less compromises. You can be the fan of AC-DC; but when you hear Taylor Swift's song somewhere that will provide you equal
satisfaction if you have kept her as alternative some time or the other. I salute those who take extra math in twelve as they stay well prepared with their alternatives. I wanted to study in TU, but had
kept PU as an alternative. This encouraged me to take part actively in entrances of TU with entire risk and even if I would not managed to enter TU, roof would not fall under me as I had PU as my alternative.

If you find all these rubbish think you are regular customer of Pepsodent and someday you don't get it. As you don't have alternative you need to move all around to purchase it and if there is shortage you will even have to be extra sum of money for it. If you had kept alternative you would have saved your time and effort purchasing Colgate from the very first shop. So don't you call it something wise to keep alternative? I prefer Wai Wai, but when I don't get it, I happily purchase Preeti. What do you do?

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