The State Of Domestic Brands
Dec 1, 2016
It is high time for the domestic
market to build the brand; otherwise International Brand will soon take over
the domestic market.
Congrats Dylan
Nov 25, 2016
In democratic country, any individual certainly have the
right to speak and express their opinions. But that does not mean that they
need to obstruct other’s routine simply to get voices heard. I remember
the strike called out time and again throughout world - be it Anna Hazare's movement in India or Tamil Tigers move in Sri Lanka, be it terrorist attack at France, or Bokoharam's moves simply to get their voices heard. Be it the agitation and protest simply to demand the chair, or to protest upon the drafting constitution there were strikes creating hindrances for normal living time and again.
the strike called out time and again throughout world - be it Anna Hazare's movement in India or Tamil Tigers move in Sri Lanka, be it terrorist attack at France, or Bokoharam's moves simply to get their voices heard. Be it the agitation and protest simply to demand the chair, or to protest upon the drafting constitution there were strikes creating hindrances for normal living time and again.
चिनियाँ छायाँसँग जोडिने नेपाली विकास
Nov 24, 2016
१९६२ मा नेपालमाथि नाकाबन्दी हुँदा या
१९८९ मा र फेरि पनि भारतले गरेकोे नाकाबन्दीको समयमा, चीनले नेपालको
समर्थनमा आफ्नो सहयोग उपलब्ध गराएकै हो । गतवर्षको नाकाबन्दीका समयमा चीनले
‘ठूलो राष्ट्रले सानो राष्ट्रमाथि ज्यादती गर्नु हुँदैन’ भनेर घुमौरो
भाषामा नेपालको पक्षमा बोल्नुका साथै इन्धनलगायत वस्तु अनुदानमा उपलब्ध
गराएकै हो । भूकम्पको समयमा गरिएको सहयोगको झन् अर्कै लेखाजोखा होला । १९६२
को र अहिलेको चीनमा धेरै अन्तर छ ।
Social Stigma and Youth Trouble in South Asia
Nov 17, 2016
The shame or disgrace attached to something that is unacceptable to society can be regarded as social stigma. Erving Goffman, one of the most influential sociologists of twentieth century explains, the phenomenon whereby an individual with an attribute which is deeply discredited by his/her society is rejected as a result of the attribute. Stigma is a process by which the reaction of others spoils normal identity.
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Piracy, Money and Greed
Nov 1, 2016
The life of 'celebs' in Nepal is still
difficult, because, once they start gaining a public image, they have to
spend large sums of money on their daily lifestyle. In one recent
interview, model and actor Priyanka Karki had stated that her average
monthly expense was around fifty thousand as she explained the economic
challenges that any 'celebrity' had to face in Nepal.
भारत भ्रमणको मूल्याङ्कन आवश्यक
Oct 7, 2016
जर्मन चान्सलर नियुक्त हुनासाथ अमेरिका
पुग्ने, अमेरिकी राष्ट्रपति हुनासाथ बेलायत जाने वा अन्य कुनै मुलुकमा पनि
यस्तो परिपाटी देखिँदैन । नेपालमा भने यो प्रचलन २००७ सालदेखि नै रहेको
भन्ने प्रशस्त छन् । अहिले आएर यो परम्पराजस्तै बनेको छ । सामान्यतः सानो
मुलुक भएकाले छिमेकीसँग राम्रै सम्बन्ध गाँस्नुलाई सीधै नकारात्मक रूपमा
लिन पनि मिल्दैन, त्यसमाथि भारत र नेपालबीच छिमेकीभन्दा पनि ‘रोटीबेटी’
अर्थात् सांस्कृतिक परम्परा झल्काउने सम्बन्ध झन् प्रगाढ छ ।
Women Can Succeed!
Oct 1, 2016
After Masters?
Sep 26, 2016
You don’t feel like talking to anyone or meeting anyone during these
times. Not because you love isolation not because you hate social life
but simply because you hate this social culture.
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Silver Jubilee Scholarship Scheme
Sep 9, 2016
It’s easy to write a post in the blog than to share every
individual. Lot of questions, lot of things to be answered, and lot of
confusions are normal once you apply for Indian Embassy’s MBA Scholarship. I am
the scholar of 2014-16 batch. I am currently studying in Andhra Pradesh. Here
I try to answer some of your common questions. Let me answer few of the common questions. I know there exists large number of questions, but if there are further things I need to clarify, I'll do it later.
भित्र्याउने मात्र कि बाहिरिन पनि नदिने ?
Sep 1, 2016
गतवर्षको भुइँचालोपश्चात् नेपालको
पुनर्निर्माणको कार्य र वर्तमान आर्थिक विकासको लहर नियाल्ने हो भने निराश
हुनुपर्ने प्रशस्त ठाउँ छ । फोब्र्सकै व्यावसायिक दृष्टिमा नेपाल ११८औं
उत्तम राष्ट्र मानिए तापनि २०११ को असफल लगानी वर्ष योजना बिर्सन कदापि
हुँदैन । हाल आएर लघुविद्युत्मा अलि बढी नै लगानी देखिए तापनि दीर्घकालीन
लाभ हुने नहुने अझै स्पष्ट हुन भने सकिँदैन । खासै ठूला लगानीकर्ता भिœयाउन
नसकेको नेपालमा टेलियासोनेराजस्तो कम्पनी लज्जास्पद तरीकाले बाहिर
निस्केको छ । कतिपय कम्पनीले इच्छा प्रकट गरे पनि राजनीतिक कारणले नै
हुनुपर्छ न भारतीय लगानीकर्ता आकर्षित गर्न सकेका छौं, न त चिनियाँ नै ।
Next Step
Aug 12, 2016
Life brings so many steps in our journey, and we need to take into the step, because the time pushes to. There are so many dreams that an individual has, so many hopes, so many plans, so many ideas, so many thoughts - but again, some of them gets fulfilled, while some of them don't.
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Human Rights Violation in Corporate World
Aug 1, 2016
Tracing history, human rights violations
can be notably found in mining companies, since early times. It was in
existence during the time of white domination over Africans. Despite the
introduction of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR),
corporate houses tended not to take issue. After the Human Development
Report was published in 2000 which stated, 'Of all Human Rights failures
today, those in economic and social affect by far the larger number and
are most wide spread across world's nations and large number of
people', issues concerning human rights violations in the corporate
world was iced over. No attention was given before.
Social Stigma and Youth trouble
Jul 22, 2016
The shame or disgrace attached to something that is unacceptable to society can be regarded as social stigma. Erving Goffman, one of the most influential sociologists of twentieth century explains, the phenomenon whereby an individual with an attribute which is deeply discredited by his/her society is rejected as a result of the attribute.
Nepalese workers in India
Jul 14, 2016
I sometimes imagine – a master’s degree holder from Nepal goes to the United States and starts working at petrol pump. On his regular duty, he observes some young Nepalese comes to the pump to refill the petrol. He assumes that the staff is Nepali and speaks in Nepali. How would he feel?
ब्रेक्जिटबाट हामीलाई पर्न सक्ने प्रभाव
Jul 7, 2016
अन्ततः चुनावी परिणामलाई स्वीकार्दै
बेलायत युरोपेली युनियन (ईयू)बाट छुट्टिने निर्णयमा पुग्यो । जर्मनी
राष्ट्रपति एञ्जेला मर्केलले उक्त चुनावी परिणामलाई पश्चात्तापपूर्वक लिएको
र यस अवस्थामा शान्त भएर अघि बढ्नुपर्ने बताइन् । त्यस्तै फ्रान्सेली
राष्ट्रपतिले उक्त परिणामलाई स्वीकार्दै आगामी आर्थिक र वित्तीय सङ्कटप्रति
पूरै ईयू सतर्क रहनुपर्ने जनाए । ईयू सदस्य मुलुकमा सोही दिन शेयरमा ठूलै
उतारचढाव देखियो र अमेरिकी सम्पत्तिमा पनि अस्थिरता आयोे । जापानी येनको
भाउ घट्यो अनि कतै न कतै असरचाहिँ चीन, भारत, दक्षिण कोरिया, सिङ्गापुरतिर
पनि देखियो । सन् २००८ मा भन्दा डरलाग्दो तरीकाले पाउण्डको मूल्य घट्यो,
जसले गर्दा आर्थिक संसारमा एउटा त्रास नै फैलियो ।
Ending Monopoly Creates Attractive Market
Jul 2, 2016
While Wai Wai was enjoying the market with Aalu Tama flavor, Rumpum just came out with Gundruk flavor of noodles. This is the beautiful example of how market would move ahead with competition, granting the ultimate customer the privilege of freedom of choice.
Jun 23, 2016
Hyderabad is a bigger city. Bigger than I thought. If you
take an auto, they may charge you very high - and they have to because the
place could be like 30 kms away from the airport, or the railway station. This
city is also a Muslim city - but not up to my expected Muslim density was
observed, as I had been to Kashmir previously.
Constitution of Nepal and International Community
Jun 17, 2016
European Union recently came up with their statement addressing Nepal’s constitution, recommending Nepal to work out for the amendments within the time framework. To large extent, their statement was appreciable, but the question stays, how justifiable was it for EU to talk about different sovereign country’s internal affair?
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युवा र सामाजिक सञ्जाल
Jun 13, 2016
जाबामा म कसैको प्रतीक्षामा रहँदा, मेरोअगाडि एउटा मेरै उमेरको पुरुष पनि
कसैलाई पर्खिरहेको थियो । चिहाएर उसको फोन हेर्दा, फेसबुक चलाएको देखेँ ।
एलिना बेकरी क्याफेमा बस्दा अगाडि एउटा समूहको ‘गेट टुगेदर’ रहेछ । आठमध्ये
चारजना आफ्नो फोनतर्फ टाउको झुकाएर बसिरहेका थिए । दुईजनाको फोनमा देख्थेँ,
उनीहरू फेसबुक चलाइरहेका थिए, अरू दुईजना पनि पक्कै कि त फेसबुक कि त
इन्स्टाग्राममा फोटो हाल्दै थिए होला । मेरो साथी आइपुग्यो अनि म पनि त्यही
फोन चलाउन व्यस्त भएँ ।
On my way
Jun 6, 2016
Maybe it's not wise to post this in my blog, but I have to
clarify this. My tweet has been shared in Mens Room Reloaded (MRR) and Nepali
Adult Jokes creating certain certain discussion series.
Are We Lagging Behind in Social Media?
Jun 3, 2016
An American knew that his American Airlines flight was delayed for
hours. He didn’t have any problem with that, but he was worried about
his return flight, which was moved to an earlier time, when he would be
in a meeting. He did not call their number to resolve the issue, nor did
he send an email to delay his return flight. He simply tweeted to
American Airlines, and his flight back was shifted to a more convenient
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Times - They are Changing
May 26, 2016
Few days back, I saw Asish dai posting his facebook status
stating how he and Prabhat dai are finding female more active and smarter these
days compared to male. I gradually analyzed, and then concluded that to large
extent they are right. Yes, things are changing. We can see huge up liftment of
women these days.
Discussion Culture
May 21, 2016
We have been taught to discuss from our childhood level itself. We have been taught to quarrel and present our views on - if village life is better or if it is the city life. We have been taught to discuss on - if pen is superior to the weapon. We used to discuss with our arguments.
Business in Amaravati
May 7, 2016
Nepal is moving towards decentralization phase as well. Soon Nepal will be having it's state name, and state capital. Like, Telengana got formed as new state, leaving Andhra Pradesh behind, Andhra Pradesh is on its way to develop it's new Capital. Here is short analysis of new proposed capital of Andhra Pradesh - Amaravati.
Marketers pay heed to Women & Villages
May 2, 2016
For a long time, the Nepali market was supply driven allowing a limited choice for consumers. Demand for a product would be higher than supply. That was when the public sector undertakings and a few businesses dominated the market – which can be termed as the 'Quota and License' period. This era came to end gradually after the liberal system was slowly introduced in the 1980s and speeded up in the 1990s. As a result, new business ventures started to crop up and it gave birth to a number of entrepreneurs. Collaboration with foreign companies increased, and the supply side gradually turned weighty.
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Ending the Tour
Apr 28, 2016
'Delhi ko yese bol rahe he, malum nahi agar Mumbai mey
hotey to kya karte' One bad thing
about Delhi was expensive hotels. The hotel prices were that expensive that
Kapil had to say
Aaj pata chala, Delhi waloka dil nahi hotey hai!
नेपालमा अनलाइन व्यवसायको सम्भावना
Apr 20, 2016
पिज्जाहटले सन् १९९४ देखि अनलाइन अर्डर लिन शुरू गरेपछि औपचारिक रूपमै
अनलाइन व्यवसायको शुरुआत भएको मानिन्छ । एमेजनले एकै वर्षपछि अनलाइनमार्फत
पुस्तक विक्रीवितरण गरेर यसलाई पूर्ण आकार दियो । यसको प्रभाव दक्षिण
एशियामा आउन अर्को ५ वर्ष लाग्यो र सन् २००० बाट भारतमा केही प्रभाव देखिन
थाल्यो । भारतीय रेलवेले अनलाइन टिकटको सुविधा २००२ मा शुरू गरेपछि अनलाइन
कारोबारमा केही प्रभाव जम्दै थियो ।
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My Summer
Apr 18, 2016
Returning back to Delhi!
Apr 13, 2016
'Why should you care? Why should a Muslim care about our
things anyway?' our driver shouted at us, when we asked about the famous Hindu
temple in Kashmir. We were shocked and surprised.
Promotional Maturity
Apr 6, 2016
Flanking and revitalization of any product or the services, either by
adding few new flavors, or by re- introducing them with some new
additional feature are common in business world. They have the right to
re-introduce the product, and boost up the market share. Same deluxe bus
gets painted, and the name includes the word ‘New’ before its previous
name. This is tolerable and acceptable too.
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Expensive Nepal
Apr 1, 2016
Price of Amul
Cheese, whose printed MRP is INR 75, they charge it NRs 180 in Kathmandu. Be it
vehicle cost, or be it the cost of vegetables, everything is expensive in
Nepal. I have started finding India, much more cheaper place now, when I
compare with Nepal.
My Current Playlist!
Mar 24, 2016
I had been replying to few of them saying, I'll post my playlist soon, I actually wanted to do this in February itself, but again, I did not want to create too much traffic in my blog. Here I finally post in my current play list. I have been doing this since sometime, so that Nepalese audience would not be fed up of Nepalese music, because mainstream medias fail to promote good songs, and rather give priority to their own people's song. Here I present my playlist:
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Wonderful SriNagar, Kashmir
Mar 19, 2016
If you had been following my blog for sometime, you must have noticed that #TourDeNorthIndia2015 post was taken till Sri Nagar, and we found the hotel. Let me share the stories hereby.
Hotel with Wifi and Lunch!
We had been out of world for couple of days now. Our SIM cards were not working, as we had no special SIM cards for Jammu and Kashmir district. We then found hotel with WiFi. It was just infront of Dal lake. It took us 11 am to get inside our room. We charged our mobiles and cameras, and power banks and took rest. Since, I was unaware about what was going around for couple of days, I checked few online news portal and yeah, I also changed my profile picture in facebook from there itself. We finally got fresh and went out for lunch. We were so excited about having Kashmiri food, but despite walking for half and hour we could not get something that we had been searching for. Ah! we ended up having some vegeterian luch in some Vaisnavi hotel! Damn!
Driver Shouting - Islamabad Islamabad!!
On our way back, we heard conductor shouting Islamabad!! Islamabad! Initally we were sure that the jeep from there would take to Pakistan's capital. But, then we imagined how far would Islamabad be from there geographically! We then inquired about people, and then came to know that there's small village within Kashmir named after Islamabad. Honestly, the entire place was like Pakistan that one would have in their mind. Girls in burkas, and everyone in their kurta. Maybe we were the only one in shorts and tees.
Boat Ride at Dal Lake
We were bargaining for the price. Earlier, we had met someone who'd give us boat ride at 300, but now when we came back to hotel, they told us that boat ride would not even cover 20% of lake. So, we were told the price of 1200. We were bargaining for 600, that would cost 100 for each of us, but he was sticking to 800. When our hotel owner came and said something in his language, he took us at 600. Later, we figured out that the hotel owner was his brother. Fine, we started the ride knowing that other six months, that lake would all be snow. It was something like Phewa lake, not so clean, dirty to large extent. I was expecting something like Nainitaal, but the scenes from here we beautiful. We were surprised when another boat came near us, with all those stuffs to sell, gradually turn by turn lot of boats came towards us, from ice cream vendor to kabab thing. There was market, Meena market, where one had to go via those boats to make purchases. We were informed that items sold there are duplicate, and we did not buy anything from there though.
Gulmohor vs Sonammarg
Where to go? We had just a day there at Srinagar, and there were lot of places to go. From oldest mosque to different places. We however decided to go Gulmohor, but in the midway planned to go Sonammarg, the hillstation nearby, where Bajrangi Bhaijaan had it's shooting done. Since it was off season, there was not so much of crowd there.
Horse Ride
That was instead khacchad ride. We had the confidence that we could walk till up since we had that experience in Solang Valley as well. But a lady who was returning back told us, that it was impossible for us to get that up. The price of horse was told Rs 800. We hesitated, and we decided to walk, and after walking for 15 mins, they came up with lowest price 300. We never had that experience, so we decided to take it. Since, these owners had to stay idle till late evening, as their shift was already over, 300 would be fine for them anyway. There probably used to be lot of snow in cold, we could realize that.
Sakeel Bhai
On our way, we then got to know about our hotel owner - Sakeel Bhai! He was the only one who'd keep foreigners in Kashmir and treat them with great respect. He was kind of 'don' of Kashmir and everyone knew him.
He would do anything for his customer satisfaction, be that fight or quarrel. No one ever dared to cross question him. We therefore felt that we saw foreigners in the hotel we stayed, and due to his good treatment towards them, foreigners never hesitated to stay for month itself there. We had doubt, but once our driver told we got the clear picture. If we would not have doubt, we probably would steal the book at the drawer of our room. There was some kind of novel.
Kashmiri Food
This is something that really must be admired. Kashmiri food! Ahh, we were so much fond of it, and eager to taste. But we did not find it that easily, as our location was situated within some vegeterian place.We had to take auto to get to those place where there were great chicken items. And once we were there, we reached the place. We ordered Tandoori and Kabab, they were great! Tandoori was juicy enough, and kabab was something like sausage but again different.And expensive than our budget, however we took taste of it and they were super awesome! The chatni was also so great! Early next morning we also got to taste Kahwah, the Kashmiri Tea, and that was different taste. They told it was al composition of medical herbs, and there were almonds at top. We were okay, just that we got cheated with the price.
Pakistan Influence
We finally got our doubt clear when the driver clarified, how they support Pakistan instead of India. He told me, how they supported Pakistan cricket team as well. On trying to know reason, he told us that Indian Government had discriminated them a lot, his grandmother was raped by Indian Police back then, he told me how Kashmir is being treated with huge discrimination as well.
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Hotel with Wifi and Lunch!
We had been out of world for couple of days now. Our SIM cards were not working, as we had no special SIM cards for Jammu and Kashmir district. We then found hotel with WiFi. It was just infront of Dal lake. It took us 11 am to get inside our room. We charged our mobiles and cameras, and power banks and took rest. Since, I was unaware about what was going around for couple of days, I checked few online news portal and yeah, I also changed my profile picture in facebook from there itself. We finally got fresh and went out for lunch. We were so excited about having Kashmiri food, but despite walking for half and hour we could not get something that we had been searching for. Ah! we ended up having some vegeterian luch in some Vaisnavi hotel! Damn!
Driver Shouting - Islamabad Islamabad!!
On our way back, we heard conductor shouting Islamabad!! Islamabad! Initally we were sure that the jeep from there would take to Pakistan's capital. But, then we imagined how far would Islamabad be from there geographically! We then inquired about people, and then came to know that there's small village within Kashmir named after Islamabad. Honestly, the entire place was like Pakistan that one would have in their mind. Girls in burkas, and everyone in their kurta. Maybe we were the only one in shorts and tees.
Boat Ride at Dal Lake
We were bargaining for the price. Earlier, we had met someone who'd give us boat ride at 300, but now when we came back to hotel, they told us that boat ride would not even cover 20% of lake. So, we were told the price of 1200. We were bargaining for 600, that would cost 100 for each of us, but he was sticking to 800. When our hotel owner came and said something in his language, he took us at 600. Later, we figured out that the hotel owner was his brother. Fine, we started the ride knowing that other six months, that lake would all be snow. It was something like Phewa lake, not so clean, dirty to large extent. I was expecting something like Nainitaal, but the scenes from here we beautiful. We were surprised when another boat came near us, with all those stuffs to sell, gradually turn by turn lot of boats came towards us, from ice cream vendor to kabab thing. There was market, Meena market, where one had to go via those boats to make purchases. We were informed that items sold there are duplicate, and we did not buy anything from there though.
Gulmohor vs Sonammarg
Where to go? We had just a day there at Srinagar, and there were lot of places to go. From oldest mosque to different places. We however decided to go Gulmohor, but in the midway planned to go Sonammarg, the hillstation nearby, where Bajrangi Bhaijaan had it's shooting done. Since it was off season, there was not so much of crowd there.
Horse Ride
That was instead khacchad ride. We had the confidence that we could walk till up since we had that experience in Solang Valley as well. But a lady who was returning back told us, that it was impossible for us to get that up. The price of horse was told Rs 800. We hesitated, and we decided to walk, and after walking for 15 mins, they came up with lowest price 300. We never had that experience, so we decided to take it. Since, these owners had to stay idle till late evening, as their shift was already over, 300 would be fine for them anyway. There probably used to be lot of snow in cold, we could realize that.
On our way, we then got to know about our hotel owner - Sakeel Bhai! He was the only one who'd keep foreigners in Kashmir and treat them with great respect. He was kind of 'don' of Kashmir and everyone knew him.
He would do anything for his customer satisfaction, be that fight or quarrel. No one ever dared to cross question him. We therefore felt that we saw foreigners in the hotel we stayed, and due to his good treatment towards them, foreigners never hesitated to stay for month itself there. We had doubt, but once our driver told we got the clear picture. If we would not have doubt, we probably would steal the book at the drawer of our room. There was some kind of novel.
Kashmiri Food
This is something that really must be admired. Kashmiri food! Ahh, we were so much fond of it, and eager to taste. But we did not find it that easily, as our location was situated within some vegeterian place.We had to take auto to get to those place where there were great chicken items. And once we were there, we reached the place. We ordered Tandoori and Kabab, they were great! Tandoori was juicy enough, and kabab was something like sausage but again different.And expensive than our budget, however we took taste of it and they were super awesome! The chatni was also so great! Early next morning we also got to taste Kahwah, the Kashmiri Tea, and that was different taste. They told it was al composition of medical herbs, and there were almonds at top. We were okay, just that we got cheated with the price.
Kashmiri Kahwah |
Kashmiri Kabab |
Pakistan Influence
We finally got our doubt clear when the driver clarified, how they support Pakistan instead of India. He told me, how they supported Pakistan cricket team as well. On trying to know reason, he told us that Indian Government had discriminated them a lot, his grandmother was raped by Indian Police back then, he told me how Kashmir is being treated with huge discrimination as well.
He came with his boat to make sales! |
This was ice-cream boat! |
In between the lake |
Night Life |
Boat Life |
They called this mini - switzerland! |
Horse Ride? |
I had never seen Okhar before |
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